Klaasplastsarrusega betoontalade läbipainde uurimine
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Klaasplastsarrus on populaarsust koguv terassarruse asendaja betoonkomposiitkonstruktsioonides.
Populaarsuse kasvu peamiseks põhjuseks võib välja tuua
klaasplastsarruse kindluse agressiivses keskkonnas. Klaasplastsarrus ei korrodeeru, on
mittemagnetiseeruv ja kaalult kerge materjal.
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks on klaasplastsarrusega Armastek armeeritud
betoontalade läbipainde uurimine erinevate sarruste läbimõõtude ja kaitsekihtide korral.
Lisaks uuritakse, kas sarnase nakkepinnaga, kuid eri sarrustega katsekehadel on sarnased
tulemused. Töö teostamiseks kasutati sarruseid läbimõõtudega 6, 8 ja 10 mm ja betooni
kaitsekihi paksuseks võeti 15, 30 ja 40 mm. Kokku valmistati 35 katsekeha AS TMB
Element poolt toodetavast betoonist klassiga C35/45. Läbipainde ja paindetõmbetugevuse
leidmiseks viidi läbi nelja punkti paindekatsed.
Katsetulemused näitasid, et lõpliku paindetõmbetugevuse saavutamisel olid tugevaimad
katsekehad sarrustega 4×ø6 kaitsekihiga 15 mm ja 2×ø8 kaitsekihtidega 30 ja 40 mm
sarnase keskmise tugevusega, kuid katsekehad sarrustega 2×ø8 15 mm kaitsekihiga olid
nõrgemad. Maksimaalse lubatud läbipainde (0,9 mm) puhul saavutasid parima tulemuse
sarrused 4×ø6 ja 2×ø10, kaitsekihiga 15 mm.
Glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) is becoming more popular than steel reinforcement in concrete structures. It is used mainly in structures that are exposed to aggressive environment. GFRP doesn’t corrode, is nonmagnetic and lightweight. The aim of this thesis is to investigate deflection of concrete beams with Armastek GFRP bars. Beams have reinforcing bars with different bar diameters and defensive layers of concrete. In addition, the aim is to examine if bars that have a similar bond area, but a different bar diameter have similar results. Three different diameters for bars were used in the test – 6, 8 and 10 mm, also three different defensive layer thicknesses of 15, 30 and 40 mm were applied. 35 concrete beams were used in the test, which were made of C35/45 concrete at AS TMB Element. Four point bending test was used to investigate deflection and flexural tensile strength. Test results showed that the specimens with bars 4×ø6 and 2×ø8, with 30 and 40 mm defensive layers had the best average flexural tensile strength, but specimens with defensive layer of 15 mm were weaker. Best results for allowable deflection of 0,9 mm were obtained by bars 4×ø6 and 2×ø10, with 15 mm defensive layer.
Glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) is becoming more popular than steel reinforcement in concrete structures. It is used mainly in structures that are exposed to aggressive environment. GFRP doesn’t corrode, is nonmagnetic and lightweight. The aim of this thesis is to investigate deflection of concrete beams with Armastek GFRP bars. Beams have reinforcing bars with different bar diameters and defensive layers of concrete. In addition, the aim is to examine if bars that have a similar bond area, but a different bar diameter have similar results. Three different diameters for bars were used in the test – 6, 8 and 10 mm, also three different defensive layer thicknesses of 15, 30 and 40 mm were applied. 35 concrete beams were used in the test, which were made of C35/45 concrete at AS TMB Element. Four point bending test was used to investigate deflection and flexural tensile strength. Test results showed that the specimens with bars 4×ø6 and 2×ø8, with 30 and 40 mm defensive layers had the best average flexural tensile strength, but specimens with defensive layer of 15 mm were weaker. Best results for allowable deflection of 0,9 mm were obtained by bars 4×ø6 and 2×ø10, with 15 mm defensive layer.
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, läbipaine, klaasplast, paindetõmbetugevus