Lämmastikplahvatusel põhineva laboratoorse eeltöötlusseadme plahvatussüsteemi konstrueerimine
Kättesaadav alates
Polis, Vilnis
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Eesti Maaülikool
Lignotselluloosse biomassi eeltöötlemiseks pole kujunenud ühtegi universaalset meetodit, mis
oleks ökonoomne. Uute eeltöötluse meetodite väljatöötamine omaks suurt tähtsust bioetanooli
tootmiskulude alandamisel. Antud magistritöö eesmärk on konstrueerida
lämmastikplahvatusel põhinevale laboratoorsele eeltöötlusseadmele plahvatussüsteem, et
parendada eeltöötluse tootlikkust. Töö käigus on välja toodud teemakohase kirjanduse
ülevaade, milles tuuakse välja biokütuste, biomassi ja eeltöötlusmeetodite olemus. Töö
metoodilises osas on seatud eeltöötlusseadmele ja selle plahvatussüsteemile nõuded, mille
järgi töötati välja tehniline lahendus. Eeltöötlusseadmele konstrueeriti kandekonstruktsioon ja
plahvatussüsteemile düüs, mis tagab seadme ohutu kasutamise ja efektiivsema biomassi
eeltöötluse mõju. Edasises töös tuleks muuta seade läbivooluliseks, arendades välja sujuva
biomassi sisestuse, et muuta seade suuremahulise tootmise kõlbulikuks.
There is no universal method for economical pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass. The development of new pretreatment methods would have a great impact on reducing bioethanol production costs. The aim of this master’s thesis is to design and construct the explosion system for laboratory pretreatment device based on nitrogen explosion to improve pretreatment productivity. An overview of the relevant literature has been presented in the work, including the nature of biofuels, biomass and pretreatment methods. In the practical part of the work, the requirements for the pretreatment device and its explosion system have been set, according to which a technical solution was developed. Support structure and the nozzle was constructed for pretreatment device, which ensures safe use of the device and improves the effect of pretreatment of biomass. In future work, the device should be developed flow-through for continuous process, by developing a smooth biomass entry in order to make the device suitable for large scale production.
There is no universal method for economical pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass. The development of new pretreatment methods would have a great impact on reducing bioethanol production costs. The aim of this master’s thesis is to design and construct the explosion system for laboratory pretreatment device based on nitrogen explosion to improve pretreatment productivity. An overview of the relevant literature has been presented in the work, including the nature of biofuels, biomass and pretreatment methods. In the practical part of the work, the requirements for the pretreatment device and its explosion system have been set, according to which a technical solution was developed. Support structure and the nozzle was constructed for pretreatment device, which ensures safe use of the device and improves the effect of pretreatment of biomass. In future work, the device should be developed flow-through for continuous process, by developing a smooth biomass entry in order to make the device suitable for large scale production.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, bioetanool, lignotselluloos, biomass, düüsid