Laktoosi hüdrolüüsi mõju juustuvadakust šerbeti omadustele
Kättesaadav alates
Puusaar, Pauline
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Eesti Maaülikool
Vadak on kõrvalsaadus, mis vajab tähelepanu ja suuremat kasutamist. Vadakul on head omadused ja palju erinevaid kasutusvõimalusi. Vadaku head omadused annab põhjuse, et tuua seda rohkem toidulauale. Töötlemisega vähendame ka vadaku tekkimisega kaasnevat keskkonna saastet.
Bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on koostada kirjanduse põhjal ülevaade laktoosi hüdrolüüsi mõjust juustuvadakule ja šerbeti omadustele (jääkristallide suurus, külmumistäpp, tekstuur, maitse). Töö tulemusena koostada tehnoloogiline skeem juustuvadakust, marjapüreest šerbeti valmistamiseks.
Erinevate kirjandusallikatele tuginedes võib öelda, et vadaku kasutamine hüdrolüüsitud versioonis on võimalik. Vadaku kasutamisel on vajalik läbi viia laktoosi hüdrolüüs, et saavutada parim šerbeti versioon ning vältida erinevaid defekte. Kõiki šerbetis olevaid koostisosasid tuleb tunda, sest iga koostisosa mõjutab lõpliku segu. Üks variant šerbeti koostisosade vahekorraks on 64% juustuvadakut, 24% suhkrut, 1,5% piima rasva, 3,5% MSNF, 6% maisisiirupi kuivaineid, 0,3% stabilisaatoreid ja emulgaatoreid kokku ning 0,7% sidrunimahla või sidrunhapet.
Whey is a by-product that needs attention and greater use. Whey has good properties and many different uses. The good properties of whey give a reason to bring more of it to the table. By processing, we also reduce the environmental pollution associated with the formaation of whey. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to prepare an overview of the effect of lactose hydrolysis on cheese whey and sherbet properties (ice crystal size, freezing point, texture, taste) based on the literature. As a result of the work, prepare a technological scheme for making sherbet from cheese whey and berry puree. Based on various literature sources, it can be said that the use of whey in hydrolyzed version is possible. When using whey, it is necessary to perform lactose hydrolysis in order to achieve the best sherbet version and to avoid various defects. All the ingredients in the sherbet must be known because each ingredient affects the final mixture. One variation of the sherbet ingredient ratio is 64% cheese whey, 24% sugar, 1.5% milk fat, 3.5% MSNF, 6% corn syrup solids, 0.3% total stabilizers and emulsifiers, and 0.7% lemon juice or citric acid.
Whey is a by-product that needs attention and greater use. Whey has good properties and many different uses. The good properties of whey give a reason to bring more of it to the table. By processing, we also reduce the environmental pollution associated with the formaation of whey. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to prepare an overview of the effect of lactose hydrolysis on cheese whey and sherbet properties (ice crystal size, freezing point, texture, taste) based on the literature. As a result of the work, prepare a technological scheme for making sherbet from cheese whey and berry puree. Based on various literature sources, it can be said that the use of whey in hydrolyzed version is possible. When using whey, it is necessary to perform lactose hydrolysis in order to achieve the best sherbet version and to avoid various defects. All the ingredients in the sherbet must be known because each ingredient affects the final mixture. One variation of the sherbet ingredient ratio is 64% cheese whey, 24% sugar, 1.5% milk fat, 3.5% MSNF, 6% corn syrup solids, 0.3% total stabilizers and emulsifiers, and 0.7% lemon juice or citric acid.
Toiduainete tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, vadak, šerbett, laktoos, β-galaktosidaas