Detailplaneeringutes kehtestatud tingimustest kõrvalekaldumine Viljandi linna näitel
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Detailplaneering on otsene vahend maakasutuse suunamiseks, mida realiseeritakse läbi
ehitusõiguse. Ehitusõiguse rakendamiseks on vajalik koostada ehitusprojekt, mis ei ole
vastuolus detailplaneeringuga. Üha enam on kasvamas probleemiks kohalike
omavalitsuste võime kontrollida kogu ehitustegevust oma haldusalas. Teema aktuaalsus
tuleneb sellest, et tiheasustusega alal on detailplaneering ehitusõiguse aluseks, kuid
paljud ehitus- ja kasutusload ei vasta esialgsetele planeeringutingimustele.
Magistritöö eesmärgiks on hinnata kuivõrd järgitakse uute hoonete püstitamisel
detailplaneeringutes kehtestatud nõudeid Viljandi linnas aastatel 2001-2012. Magistritöö
eesmärgi saavutamiseks on läbi viidud juhtumiuurimised viie detailplaneeringu põhjal
Viljandi linnas. Vastuolude kaardistamiseks erinevates etappides on jagatud need kolme
eraldi klassi, milleks on vastuolu samaaegselt detailplaneeringu ja ehitusprojektiga,
vastuolu ainult ehitusprojektiga ning vastuolu ainult detailplaneeringuga. Ehitusprojekte,
mille vastavust detailplaneeringutele kontrolliti oli kokku 71.
Detailplaneeringuga vastuolus olevates ehitusprojektides esines kõige rohkem
probleeme katusekaldega, kus paljudel hoonetel jäi see alla lubatud piiride.
Ehitusprojektidega vastuolusid esines kõige rohkem ehitusaluse pindala ületamisel.
Ajaliselt tekkis kõige rohkem vastuolusid ehitusloa väljastamisel (40), ehitamise ajal
(12), kasutamisel (2) ning vastuolud puudusid 17 objekti puhul. Vastuolude tekke
peamiseks põhjuseks on kohaliku omavalitsuse poolt projektide liiga pealiskaudne
kontroll. Detailplaneeringuga seotud vastuolusid on võimalik seadustada
projekteerimistingimustega, kui seda on tehtud asjakohasel juhul 10% ulatuses. Kokku
esines detailplaneeringulisi vastuolusid 119 korral, millest 87% on
projekteerimistingimustega aktsepteeritavad ja 13% vastuolude lahendamiseks tuleb
algatada uus detailplaneering.
Uurimistöö tulemustest selgus asjaolu, et Viljandi linnavalitsuse majandus- ja
arhitektuuriametis ei ole kontrollitud antud perioodil süstemaatiliselt ehitusprojektide ja
detailplaneeringu vahelisi eba- ja kooskõlasid, mille tulemusel on tekkinud ligikaudu
pooled probleemsed objektid.
Detail planning is a direct measure for guiding land tenure, which is realized through building law. For implementation of the building law a building project which is not in conflict with the detail planning, is needed. Lack of ability to control constructing in local government territory is increasingly becoming an issue. The fact that detail planning is the basis of the building law at densely populated areas, but in several cases the building permits and permits for use do not match the initial planning conditions, gives the topic the actuality. The aim of the Master’s Thesis is to evaluate how the stated requirements of the detail plans are followed while constructing new buildings according to the example of the city of Viljandi in 2001-2012. For fulfilling the purpose of the thesis five different case studies of detail plans were conducted in the city of Viljandi. For charting the conflicts in different phases the conditions were divided into three separate categories – conflict with detail planning and building project, conflict with building project and conflict with detail planning. 71 building project compliances to the detail planning were controlled. Main reasons for the conflicts in detail planning of building projects were roof slopes that were under allowed borders in several cases. Conflicts with building projects mostly involved the area under construction which was exceeded. Time related conflicts mostly occurred while issuing the building permits (40), during constructing (12), while using (2) and 17 object had no conflicts. Main reason for the origin of conflicts is superficial control of the projects by local government. It is possible to legalize the conflicts with detail planning, with design criteria if it is done in relevant cases in 10% extent. There were in total 119 conflicts with detail planning, of which 87% are acceptable with design criteria and in 13% of conflicts require a new detail planning initiation. Research results indicated that Viljandi city government’s Economy and Architecture Office has not been controlling conflicts and accordance with building projects and detail planning systematically throughout the mentioned period which has created approximately half of the problematic objects.
Detail planning is a direct measure for guiding land tenure, which is realized through building law. For implementation of the building law a building project which is not in conflict with the detail planning, is needed. Lack of ability to control constructing in local government territory is increasingly becoming an issue. The fact that detail planning is the basis of the building law at densely populated areas, but in several cases the building permits and permits for use do not match the initial planning conditions, gives the topic the actuality. The aim of the Master’s Thesis is to evaluate how the stated requirements of the detail plans are followed while constructing new buildings according to the example of the city of Viljandi in 2001-2012. For fulfilling the purpose of the thesis five different case studies of detail plans were conducted in the city of Viljandi. For charting the conflicts in different phases the conditions were divided into three separate categories – conflict with detail planning and building project, conflict with building project and conflict with detail planning. 71 building project compliances to the detail planning were controlled. Main reasons for the conflicts in detail planning of building projects were roof slopes that were under allowed borders in several cases. Conflicts with building projects mostly involved the area under construction which was exceeded. Time related conflicts mostly occurred while issuing the building permits (40), during constructing (12), while using (2) and 17 object had no conflicts. Main reason for the origin of conflicts is superficial control of the projects by local government. It is possible to legalize the conflicts with detail planning, with design criteria if it is done in relevant cases in 10% extent. There were in total 119 conflicts with detail planning, of which 87% are acceptable with design criteria and in 13% of conflicts require a new detail planning initiation. Research results indicated that Viljandi city government’s Economy and Architecture Office has not been controlling conflicts and accordance with building projects and detail planning systematically throughout the mentioned period which has created approximately half of the problematic objects.
Maakorraldus ja kinnisvara planeerimise õppekaval
magistritööd, ehitamine, ehitusload, ehitusõigus, detailplaneeringud, projekteerimistingimused, kohalikud omavalitsused