Teadlikkus mahetoidust ja selle tarbimisharjumused Eestis
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Eesti Maaülikool
Mahepõllumajandus on kogu maailmas üha kasvav põllumajandusharu. Eriti
tähelepanuväärne on olnud mahetoodete nõudluse kasv Euroopa Liidu liikmesriikides,
kaasa arvatud Eestis. Töö eelmärk on välja selgitada Eesti tarbijate mahetoidu teadlikkus
ja tarbimisharjumused. Töö koosneb kolmest osast, millest esimeses antakse ülevaade
mahepõllumajanduse kontseptsioonist üldisemalt, teine osa kirjeldab uurimuse
metoodikat ja veebikeskkonnas läbiviidud küsitluse levitamise ja tulemuste analüüsimise
protsessi. Uurimustöö kolmas osa koosneb küsitluse tulemuste analüüsist ja arutelust.
Peaaegu kõik küsitlusele vastanud inimesed on mahetoidust varasemalt midagi kuulnud.
Peamiste erinevustena mahe- ja tavatoidu vahel tõi ligikaudu iga neljas vastaja välja, et
mahetoidu kasvatamiseks ei kasutata sünteetilisi väetisi ning ei kasutata
taimekaitsevahendeid. Sektoris tehtavat reklaam- ja teavitustööd hindas piisavaks vaid iga
viies vastanu. Lisainformatsiooni soovijate osakaal on märkimisväärne ning vähese
informeerituse aspekt kajastus lisaks ka olulise takistusena mahetoidu tarbimisel
Valdavalt soovitakse lisateavet tootevaliku, kättesaadavuse, kvaliteedi ja märgistuse
Organic farming is a growing agricultural industry worldwide. Particularly impressive has been the increase in demand for organic products in the Member States of the European Union, including Estonia. The aim of this research is to identify the organic food awareness and consumption habits in Estonia. The study consists of three parts, the first of which is an overview of the concept of organic farming in general, the second part describes the methodology of the study and the process of analyzing the results of the survey . The third part of the research is an analysis and discussion over the results of the survey. The survey was conducted among 475 respondents in the internet and 471 respondents had heard and knew something about organic food. Among the main differences between organic and conventional food, about one in four respondents stated that synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are not used in organic farming. Only one out of five respondents thought there has been enough advertising and recoqnition work done in this sector. The number of people seeking additional information is remarkable. The lack of awareness was also marked as one of the obstacle to consumption of organic food. Additional information about product selection, availability, quality and labeling is also required.
Organic farming is a growing agricultural industry worldwide. Particularly impressive has been the increase in demand for organic products in the Member States of the European Union, including Estonia. The aim of this research is to identify the organic food awareness and consumption habits in Estonia. The study consists of three parts, the first of which is an overview of the concept of organic farming in general, the second part describes the methodology of the study and the process of analyzing the results of the survey . The third part of the research is an analysis and discussion over the results of the survey. The survey was conducted among 475 respondents in the internet and 471 respondents had heard and knew something about organic food. Among the main differences between organic and conventional food, about one in four respondents stated that synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are not used in organic farming. Only one out of five respondents thought there has been enough advertising and recoqnition work done in this sector. The number of people seeking additional information is remarkable. The lack of awareness was also marked as one of the obstacle to consumption of organic food. Additional information about product selection, availability, quality and labeling is also required.
Keskkonnakaitse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, mahetoit, mahepõllumajandus, tarbimine, teadlikkus