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Kättesaadav alates


Nurk, Krista
Nurmet, Maire

Ajakirja pealkiri

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Köite pealkiri


Estonian Academic Agricultural Society


Agriculture is facing severe changes due to climate change and extreme weather events. Attention to climate change has been high- lighted in the Common Agricultural Policy, the issue of risk management. Implementation of risk management methods among farmers who make their everyday business decisions in uncertainty, is part of decision making, and depends on the farmers experience and knowledge. This paper aims to find out the assessments of Estonian farmers about the risk factors arising from climate change and the importance of coping adaption measures to climate change. Data from a web-based questionnaire survey of questions with structured statements on perception of production risk and adaption measures were analysed. The main results showed that perception of production risk differed by farmers’ age, geographical area and farm sizes. Relevant risk management practices were different according to farm annual revenue, geographical area and the age of a farmer. The results could be used by agricultural policy makers. Future policies for the agricultural sector are elemental to ensure success in farm- scale implementation. Based on this study it could be further explored risk management practices, which are already used by farmers. It is important because climate change and extreme weather events are increasing, and risk management practices are needed for adaptation.


Saabunud / Received 5.12.2022 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 29.06.2023 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 30.06.2023 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author Krista Nurk ;


risk factors in agricultural production, climate change, adaption measures, articles

