Staatilise laserskaneerimise andmete põhjal puistangu mahtude arvutamise täpsus
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Magistritöö eesmärgiks on uurida puistangu mahtude määramise täpsust staatilise
laserskaneerimise andmete põhjal.
Töös võrreldi omavahel GNSS meetodiga mõõdistatud andmete põhjal arvutatud mahtu
staatilise laserskaneerimise andmete põhjal arvutatud mahuga. Mõõtmised viidi läbi kahel
objektil, Laiküla turbarabas ja Karude karjääris. Uurimistöö GNSS mõõtmisteks kasutati
Trimble R4 GNSS seadet koos TSC-3 väliarvutiga ning staatiliseks laserskaneerimiseks
kasutati skaneerivat elektrontahhümeetrit Trimble SX10. Andmete töötlemiseks kasutati
Trimble Business Centre tarkvara, Autodesk ReCap tarkvara, Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D
2019 tarkvara ning Microsoft Excel tarkvara.
Uurimistöös koostati laserskaneerimise andmete põhjal 3D mudelid 0,05 m, 0,1 m, 0,3 m
ja 0,5 m punktitihedusega. Puistangu mahtude arvutamise täpsuse hindamisel võrreldi
erinevate 3D mudelite mahte õigeks loetud mahuga, milleks on 0,05 m punktitihedusega
3D mudeli põhjal arvutatud maht. Mahtude keskmine suhteline erinevus kahe objekti
põhjal on GNSS andmete põhjal 4,22 %. Järgnevalt erines õigeks loetud tulemusest 0,3 m
punktitihedusega mudeli arvutatud maht 0,67 %, 0,5 m punktitihedusega mudeli mahti
erines 0,36 % ja 0,1 m punktitihedusega mudeli maht erines 0,04 %. Kogu skaneerimise
andmete põhjal arvutatud mahtude keskmine suhteline erinevus on 0,36 %. Arvutatud
tulemused jäid lubatud 12 % suhtelise erinevuse piiridesse.
Uurimistöö tulemuste põhjal järeldati, et staatiline laserskaneerimine on mahtude
arvutamiseks vajalikul mõõdistamisel töö kiiruselt traditsioonilistele GNSS ja
tahhümeetrilisele mõõdistamisele sobivaks alternatiiviks.
Masters´s thesis aim is to research the accuracy of stockpile volume calculations based on static laser scanning data. Thesis compared the volume calculated on the basis of data measured by the GNSS method and on the basis of static lasers scanning data. Measurements were made on two objects, in Laiküla peat bog and Karude quarry. For the GNSS measurements Trimble R4 GNSS device was used with the TSC-3 controller, Trimble SX10 scanning total station was used for static laser scanning. Data was processed using Trimble Business Centre software, Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2019 software and Microsoft Excel software. 3D models with 0,05 m, 0,1 m, 0,3 m and 0,5 m point density were created based on laser scanning data. Calculating the volumes of objects, the volumes of different 3D models were compared to the correct volume, which is the volume calculated on the basis of a 0,05 m point density model. The average relative difference of volume, based on two objects in GNSS data is 4,22 %. Subsequently, the calculated volume in the 0,3 m point density model was 0,67 % different, 0,5 m point density model was 0,36 % different and the 0,1 m point density model was 0,04 % different. The relative average difference of volumes, based on laser scanning data is 0,36 %. All the researched methods remain within the limits of the relative 12 % permissible difference. Based on the results of this masters´s thesis, it was concluded that static laser scanning is an appropriate alternative for measuring volumes to traditional GNSS and tachymetric surveying.
Masters´s thesis aim is to research the accuracy of stockpile volume calculations based on static laser scanning data. Thesis compared the volume calculated on the basis of data measured by the GNSS method and on the basis of static lasers scanning data. Measurements were made on two objects, in Laiküla peat bog and Karude quarry. For the GNSS measurements Trimble R4 GNSS device was used with the TSC-3 controller, Trimble SX10 scanning total station was used for static laser scanning. Data was processed using Trimble Business Centre software, Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2019 software and Microsoft Excel software. 3D models with 0,05 m, 0,1 m, 0,3 m and 0,5 m point density were created based on laser scanning data. Calculating the volumes of objects, the volumes of different 3D models were compared to the correct volume, which is the volume calculated on the basis of a 0,05 m point density model. The average relative difference of volume, based on two objects in GNSS data is 4,22 %. Subsequently, the calculated volume in the 0,3 m point density model was 0,67 % different, 0,5 m point density model was 0,36 % different and the 0,1 m point density model was 0,04 % different. The relative average difference of volumes, based on laser scanning data is 0,36 %. All the researched methods remain within the limits of the relative 12 % permissible difference. Based on the results of this masters´s thesis, it was concluded that static laser scanning is an appropriate alternative for measuring volumes to traditional GNSS and tachymetric surveying.
Geodeesia ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, laserskaneerimine, mahuarvutused, täpsus