Puidust vahelaetalade uurimine kiviseina seestpoolt soojustamisel
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Eesti Maaülikool
Soojusliku mugavuse suurendamise tõttu on hakatud ka vanu hooneid rekonstrueerima. Seespidiselt soojustades saavutatakse soojem, kuid mitte alati tervislik, sisekliima.
Antud töö üheks eesmärgiks oli uurida, kuidas kahe õhkvahega telliskiviseinte seestpoolt soojustamine mõjub vahelaetaladele. Teine eesmärk oli simulatsiooniprogrammidega vaadelda piirdetarindi käitumist hallituse ja kondensaadi testaastate ja autori kogutud andmevahemiku jooksul ning simulatsiooniga modelleerida paremaid lahendusi seespoolseks lisasoojustamiseks vaadeldaval katseobjektil. Magistritöö hüpoteesiks püsititas autor, et seespoolne lisasoojustamine ei mõju vahelaetaladele hävitavalt.
Arvutustes ja arvutisimulatsioonides kasutati rockwool SUPERROCK mineraalvilla, Gyproc kipsplaati, nordic quattro laepaneele ja juba vahelaes olemasolevaid materjale. Puidust vahelaetaladega kivisein asub Eestis, Tartu maakonnas, Vasula alevikus, Mõisaringi tänaval, põhja ilmakaares. Katsevahelae talade otstesse paigaldati temperatuuri ja suhtelise õhuniiskuse andurid. Käsitsi arvutustes kasutati Glaseri meetodit ning simulatsiooniprogrammidena kasutati Therm’i ja Delphini tarkvara. Arvutustes ja simulatsioonides järgiti Eesti Vabariigis kehtivaid standardeid ja norme ning kasutati hallituse ja kondensatsiooni testaastaid.
Antud magistritööst selgub, et hallitust vahelaetalade otstesse tekkida ei tohiks, kui tekib, siis on see tuvastatav vaid mikroskoobi all. Ilma aurutõkketa on suurem võimalus niiskusel välja aurustuda, seda pikema perioodi jooksul, kui arvutustes kasutatud. Aurutõkke Isover Vario KM Duplex UV kasutamisel seisab niiskus aurutõkke juures ning ei kuiva sisse- ega väljapoole. Soojustuse lisamisega sisepinnale ja vahelae alla parandas soojusläbivust tarindis 2,1 korda ning suurendas soojuslikku mugavust.
Seespoolse soojusisolatsioonisüsteemiga vahelaesõlmedele on tehtud erinevaid uuringuid, kuid mitte ükski ei ole käsitlenud selles magistritöös vaadeldavat vahelaesõlmele sarnast sõlme. Sellist vahelaesõlme võiks pikemaajaliselt veel uurida. Tulevikus võiks uurida ka olukorda, kus mõlemal korrusel on eluruumile omane niiskusklass ja kuidas siis vahelaetaladele erinevate soojustusmaterjalidega soojustamine mõjub.
Due to the increase in thermal comfort, the old buildings have also been reconstructed. By insulating internally, achieve a warmer, but not healthy, indoor climate. One of the aims of this thesis was to study how the internal insulation of brick walls with two air gaps would affect the wooden ceiling beams. The second aim was to use simulation programs to observe the behavior of the boundary structure during the mould and condensate test years and the data range collected by the author, and to simulate better solutions for additional internal insulation on the observed test object. As a hypothesis for the master's thesis, the author stated that the additional internal insulation does not have a destructive effect on the wooden beams. Rockwool SUPERROCK mineral wool, Gyproc gypsum board, nordic quattro ceiling panels and the materials already existing in the ceiling were used in the calculations and computer simulations. The masonry wall with wooden beams is located in Tartu county, Vasula, Mõisaringi street. Temperature and relative humidity sensors were installed at the ends of the test wooden beams. Therm and Delphin software were used for the simulations and the Glaser method was used for manual calculations. All calculations and simulations followed the standards and norms in force in the Republic of Estonia, as well as the mold and condensation test years. It can be concluded from this master's thesis that mold should not appear at the ends of wooden beams and if it does, it can be detected only under a microscope. Without a vapor barrier, there is a greater chance of moisture evaporating, albeit over a longer period of time than what was used in the calculations. When using a vapor barrier, the moisture stays at the vapor barrier and does not dry in or out. Adding insulation to the inner surface gave a 2,1 times better result in heat permeability and also increased thermal comfort. Various studies have been carried out on intermediate ceiling assemblies with an internal thermal insulation system, but none have dealt with the intermediate ceiling assembly-like assembly that has been dealt with in this master's thesis. Therefore, such an intermediate floor could be studied in the longer term. In the future, it should be studied a situation where the humidity class on both floors would be suitable for a dwelling and how insulation with different insulation materials of the partition beams would be affected then.
Due to the increase in thermal comfort, the old buildings have also been reconstructed. By insulating internally, achieve a warmer, but not healthy, indoor climate. One of the aims of this thesis was to study how the internal insulation of brick walls with two air gaps would affect the wooden ceiling beams. The second aim was to use simulation programs to observe the behavior of the boundary structure during the mould and condensate test years and the data range collected by the author, and to simulate better solutions for additional internal insulation on the observed test object. As a hypothesis for the master's thesis, the author stated that the additional internal insulation does not have a destructive effect on the wooden beams. Rockwool SUPERROCK mineral wool, Gyproc gypsum board, nordic quattro ceiling panels and the materials already existing in the ceiling were used in the calculations and computer simulations. The masonry wall with wooden beams is located in Tartu county, Vasula, Mõisaringi street. Temperature and relative humidity sensors were installed at the ends of the test wooden beams. Therm and Delphin software were used for the simulations and the Glaser method was used for manual calculations. All calculations and simulations followed the standards and norms in force in the Republic of Estonia, as well as the mold and condensation test years. It can be concluded from this master's thesis that mold should not appear at the ends of wooden beams and if it does, it can be detected only under a microscope. Without a vapor barrier, there is a greater chance of moisture evaporating, albeit over a longer period of time than what was used in the calculations. When using a vapor barrier, the moisture stays at the vapor barrier and does not dry in or out. Adding insulation to the inner surface gave a 2,1 times better result in heat permeability and also increased thermal comfort. Various studies have been carried out on intermediate ceiling assemblies with an internal thermal insulation system, but none have dealt with the intermediate ceiling assembly-like assembly that has been dealt with in this master's thesis. Therefore, such an intermediate floor could be studied in the longer term. In the future, it should be studied a situation where the humidity class on both floors would be suitable for a dwelling and how insulation with different insulation materials of the partition beams would be affected then.
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, puit vahelaetalad, seespoolne soojustamine, kivisein, õhkvahe, Delphin