3D-printeri materjali etteandemehhanismi projekt
dc.contributor.advisor | Soots, Kaarel | |
dc.contributor.author | Nõmme, Märt | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2023-06-12T12:58:44Z | |
dc.date.available | 2023-06-12T12:58:44Z | |
dc.date.defensed | 2023-06-13 | |
dc.date.issued | 2023 | |
dc.description | Rakenduskõrgharidusõppe lõputöö Tehnotroonika õppekaval | est |
dc.description.abstract | Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärk on projekteerida 3D-printerile otseülekande materjali etteandemehhanism. Töö käigus uuriti erinevaid materjali etteandemehhanismide tüüpe, valiti välja 3D-printer, millele otseülekande materjali etteandemehhanism projekteerida ja uuriti antud 3D-printerile turul pakutavaid otseülekande materjali etteandemehhanisme. Projekteerimisel kasutati SOLIDWORKS modelleerimistarkvara, kus kasutati 3D-printeri tootja poolt pakutavat avatud allika raalmudelit. Projekteeritud lahendus toodeti valmis ja seadistati. Projekteeritud- ja originaal etteandemehhanismi tõmbejõu katsetamiseks viidi läbi katsed. Turul pakutavate lahendustega võrdlemiseks arvutati välja printimispeale kiirendusel mõjuvad jõud erinevate lahenduste kasutamisel. Arvutuste tulemusel mõjub töös projekteeritud materjali etteandemehhanismiga printimispeale kiirendusel väiksem jõud kui turul pakutavate lahenduste kasutamisel. Seeläbi on võimalik suurendada printimispea kiirendusi, mis omakorda võimaldab lühendada detailide tootmisaega. | est |
dc.description.abstract | The aim of this thesis is to design a direct drive feeder mechanism for 3D printer. During the work, different types of material feeder mechanisms were studied, a 3D printer was selected, on which to design a direct drive material feeder mechanism, and direct drive material feeder mechanisms offered on the market for this 3D printer were investigated. SOLIDWORKS modeling software was used in the design, where the open source model provided by the 3D printer manufacturer was used. The designed solution was manufactured and assembled. Tests were conducted to test the pulling strength of the designed and original feeder mechanism. In order to compare with the solutions offered on the market, the forces acting on the acceleration of the printhead when using different solutions were calculated. As a result of the calculations, a smaller force acts on the print head with the material feed mechanism designed in the thesis during acceleration than when using the solutions offered on the market. In this way, it is possible to increase the accelerations of the print head, which in turn makes it possible to shorten the production time of the parts. | eng |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/10492/8518 | |
dc.publisher | Eesti Maaülikool | est |
dc.rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess | eng |
dc.subject | lõputööd | est |
dc.subject | 3D-printer | est |
dc.subject | materjali etteandemehhanism | est |
dc.subject | ekstruuder | est |
dc.subject | projekteerimine | est |
dc.subject | avatud allikas | est |
dc.title | 3D-printeri materjali etteandemehhanismi projekt | est |
dc.title.alternative | 3D-printer material feeder mechanism project | eng |
dc.type | info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis | eng |
rioxxterms.freetoread.startdate | 13.09.2023 |