Taimsete pressjäägi ekstraktide mõju marineeritud vikerforelli mikroorganismide arvukusele ja sensoorsetele omadustele
Kättesaadav alates
Pärna, Merilin
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Eesti Maaülikool
Taimsed pressjäägid sisaldavad väärtuslikke bioaktiivseid ühendeid ja võiksid seetõttu leida
pulbrite või ekstraktidena kasutust loomsete toiduainete koostises. Käesoleva magistritöö
eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada õuna, mustsõstra, rabarberi ja tomati pressjäägi ekstraktide
mõju marineeritud vikerforelli mikroorganismide arvukusele ja sensoorsetele omadustele
uurimisperioodi jooksul. Aeroobsete mesofiilsete bakterite, Pseudomonas spp. ning hallitusja
pärmseente arvukused määrati proovides ISO standardeid järgides. Sensoorseid omadusi
hinnati Fizz by Biosystems tarkvaraga hedoonilise ja “justkui-paras” skaala abil. Uurimistöö
tulemustes selgus, et õuna, mustsõstra, rabarberi ja tomati pressjäägi ekstraktide kasutamine
kalatoodete marinaadis kombineerides sidrunhappe ja äädikhappega tagab toodete hea
mikrobioloogilise kvaliteedi ja piisavalt pika säilimisaja. Marinaadide koostises ainult
sidrunhappel sarnast toimet mikroorganismidele ei tuvastatud. Äädikhapet sisaldavate
marinaadide pH oli madalam kui sidrunhappega marinaadidel. Kalamarinaadide välimus,
värvus, lõhn, maitse ja konsistents sõltusid marinaadis kasutatud taimse pressjäägi
ekstraktidest ja marinaadi soolasisaldusest, kuid neil olid siiski tarbijale vastuvõetavad
sensoorsed omadused.
Plant pomace extracts contain valuable bioactive compounds and could therefore be used as powders or extracts in the composition of animal foods. The aim of this master's thesis was to find out the effect of apple, blackcurrant, rhubarb and tomato pomace extracts on the total counts of microorganisms and sensory properties of marinated rainbow trout during study period. The growth dynamics of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, Pseudomonas spp., and yeasts and molds were determined in the samples following ISO standards. Sensory properties were evaluated with the Fizz by Biosystems software using the hedonic and “just-about-right” scales. The results of the research showed that the use of apple, blackcurrant, rhubarb and tomato pomace extracts in the marinade of rainbow trout products in combination with citric acid and acetic acid ensured a sufficiently long microbiological shelf-life of the products. Citric acid alone in the composition of marinades did not have a similar effect on microorganisms. The pH of marinades containing acetic acid was lower than marinades containing citric acid. The appearance, color, smell, flavor, and consistency of the fish marinades depended on the plant pomace extracts and salt content used in the marinade, but still have sensory properties that are acceptable to the consumer.
Plant pomace extracts contain valuable bioactive compounds and could therefore be used as powders or extracts in the composition of animal foods. The aim of this master's thesis was to find out the effect of apple, blackcurrant, rhubarb and tomato pomace extracts on the total counts of microorganisms and sensory properties of marinated rainbow trout during study period. The growth dynamics of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, Pseudomonas spp., and yeasts and molds were determined in the samples following ISO standards. Sensory properties were evaluated with the Fizz by Biosystems software using the hedonic and “just-about-right” scales. The results of the research showed that the use of apple, blackcurrant, rhubarb and tomato pomace extracts in the marinade of rainbow trout products in combination with citric acid and acetic acid ensured a sufficiently long microbiological shelf-life of the products. Citric acid alone in the composition of marinades did not have a similar effect on microorganisms. The pH of marinades containing acetic acid was lower than marinades containing citric acid. The appearance, color, smell, flavor, and consistency of the fish marinades depended on the plant pomace extracts and salt content used in the marinade, but still have sensory properties that are acceptable to the consumer.
Toiduainete tehnoloogia õppekaval
magistritööd, taimsed pressjäägi ekstraktid, marinaadid, mikroorganismide arvukus, Pseudomonas spp., hallitus- ja pärmseened, vikerforell, sensoorne hindamine, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), toiduohutus, mahetoit