Eesti Rahva Muuseumi varikatuse vajumisvaatlused
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Resev, Jürgen
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Eesti Maaülikool
Eesti Rahva Muuseumi (ERM) varikatust võib pidada ainulaadseks Eestis. Katus on 70 meetrit lai ja
konsoolne osa ulatub 21 m üle katuse peakandja. Katuse ohutuse seisukohalt on oluline, et katuse
horisontaal- ja vertikaalliikumisi perioodiliselt jälgitakse.
Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks oli uurida varikatuse vertikaalliikumisi perioodil sügis-talv-kevad ja
lumeraskuse mõju katuse vertikaalasendile. Eesmärgi täitmiseks oli vaja luua varikatuse vahele
kontrollmõõdistamise baasvõrk ja paigaldada täiendavaid vajumisreepereid.
Kontrollmõõdistamiste eest vastutas Hades Geodeesia OÜ ja ERMi poolne esindaja oli Riigi
Kinnisvara AS. Antud töö raames sai halbade ilmastikuolude ja muude põhjuste tõttu teostada vaid
ühe mõõtetsükli 2017. aasta jaanuaris.
Töö eesmärk jäi küll täitmata, aga antud töös on põhjalikult käsitletud baasvõrgu loomist,
vajumisreeperite paigaldamist ning analüüsitud ka varasemaid mõõtmistulemusi. Varasemate
mõõtmistulemustega võrreldes selgus, et varikatuse peakandja alumise vöö vajumisreeperite kõrguste
muutus lähtekõrguse suhtes on aasta jooksul jäänud ± 1 cm sisse.
The Estonian National Museum displays an unique roof structure over its main entrance. The roof continuously slopes upwards until it forms a wedge shaped portico. The portico serves as a canopy which trusses form a 21 metre long cantilever roof. On a roof structure with partially unsupported trusses, it is essential to check whether the structure exhibits a safe deformational behaviour. The goal of this thesis was to determine vertical movements of the roof structure over the period of autumn-winter-spring. Also to determine the effects of snow weight on a roof. In order to accomplish these goals a network of additional observation points and benchmark heights were needed to be installed. Unfortunately due to bad weather conditions and other reasons beyond the control of the author, only one epoch was measured. In comparison to earlier deformation surveys, the height change of the observation points relative to a benchmark height on the primary truss stayed between the interval of ± 1 cm. Thesis also covers the installation of benchmark heights, observation points and the analysis of earlier deformation surveys.
The Estonian National Museum displays an unique roof structure over its main entrance. The roof continuously slopes upwards until it forms a wedge shaped portico. The portico serves as a canopy which trusses form a 21 metre long cantilever roof. On a roof structure with partially unsupported trusses, it is essential to check whether the structure exhibits a safe deformational behaviour. The goal of this thesis was to determine vertical movements of the roof structure over the period of autumn-winter-spring. Also to determine the effects of snow weight on a roof. In order to accomplish these goals a network of additional observation points and benchmark heights were needed to be installed. Unfortunately due to bad weather conditions and other reasons beyond the control of the author, only one epoch was measured. In comparison to earlier deformation surveys, the height change of the observation points relative to a benchmark height on the primary truss stayed between the interval of ± 1 cm. Thesis also covers the installation of benchmark heights, observation points and the analysis of earlier deformation surveys.
Bakalaureusetöö Geodeesia, maakorralduse ja kinnisvara planeerimise õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, vajumisreeperid, ehitusgeodeesia, deformatsioonide uurimine