Effects of irrigation applied at different growth stages on chickpea yield
Kättesaadav alates
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
This study was conducted over the experimental fields of Erciyes University in 2016
to investigate the effects of irrigations applied at different growth stages on chickpea yields. Experiments were conducted in randomized blocks design with 3 replications. There were 7 irrigation treatments as of I1: rainfed, I2: pre-bloom single irrigation, I3: single irrigation at the
beginning of blooming, I4: single irrigation at 50% pod set, I5: two irrigations at 50% bloom and 50% pod-set, I6: two irrigations at pre-bloom and 50% pod-set, I7: full irrigation. The amount of applied irrigation water varied between 85.6–323 mm. Plant water
consumptions varied between 262
– 569 mm. The greatest yield was obtained from I4 treatment with 273 kg da-1 and the lowest yield was obtained from I1
treatments with 146 kg da-1. It was
concluded for chickpea cultivation under deficit water resources conditions that water deficits may be applied at different growth
stages except for 50% pod-set period.
chickpea, irrigation, yield, ET, articles