Võrgu RTK (VRS) kõrguslik täpsus Lõuna-Eestis
Kättesaadav alates
Rosenberg, Brenda
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Eesti Maaülikool
Bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada, millist kõrguslikku täpsust on võimalik
saavutada kasutades võrgu RTK VRS lahendusi ainult GPS signaalide abil või koos teiste
Võrreldi kahte erinevat RTK võrku: Trimble VRS-Now ja Maa-ameti võrk. Mõlemal
juhul hinnati ainult VRS lahendusi. Täpsuse kontrollimiseks kasutati Eesti riiklike
geodeetilisi II klassi võrgu punkte, millega tagati head mõõtmistingimused. Mõõdeti
seadmega Trimble R4-3 koos Juno väliarvutiga. Mõõtmismeetodiks oli RTK koos
initsialiseerimiste kordustega. Vastuvõtja asend fikseeriti 2-meetrise saua otsas, mille
toestamiseks kasutati sauahoidjat. Täpsusi võrreldi ja analüüsiti keskmise ruutvea alusel.
Tulemustest selgus, et RTK võrkude täpsustes on erinevusi. Trimble VRS-Now võrgus
esines sageli süstemaatiline nihe 2-3 cm. Parim kõrguslik täpsus saavutati kasutades
üksnes GPS signaale. Keskmine ruutviga oli nii mõõtes 1,8 cm, teiste GNSS signaalide
lisamine alandas täpsuse 3,1 sentimeetrini. Suurim täpsus saavutati Lemmatsi punktil
olenemata satelliitsignaalide kombinatsioonidest või võrgust. Halvimad tulemused
saavutati Killinge punktil, mille asukoht püsijaamadest on kõige kaugem.
The aim of present study was to determine the best height accuracy measuring result while using RTK network VRS solutions with only GPS signals or together with other GNSS signals. Trimble VRS-Now and Maa-amet GNSS networks were compared and in both cases VRS methods were used. Measurements were carried out on the points of Estonian II-order national geodetic network, which provided good reference data. Trimble R4-3 receiver with Juno field computer were used. Measuring method was RTK together with repeated initializations. Position of the receiver was fixed firmly to a 2-meter long pole. Measurment accuracy was compared and analyzed based on root mean square error (RMSE). Results reveal accuracy differences in RTK networks. In Trimble VRS-Now network, there are constant systematic deviations about 2-3 cm. Best height accuracy was achieved by using only GPS signals with RMSE only 1,8 cm. Adding other GNSS signals lowered accuracy to 3,1 cm. Measurements at Lemmatsi point were the most accurate in any given combination of satellite signals or networks. Results were worst at Killinge point which is farthest from the base stations.
The aim of present study was to determine the best height accuracy measuring result while using RTK network VRS solutions with only GPS signals or together with other GNSS signals. Trimble VRS-Now and Maa-amet GNSS networks were compared and in both cases VRS methods were used. Measurements were carried out on the points of Estonian II-order national geodetic network, which provided good reference data. Trimble R4-3 receiver with Juno field computer were used. Measuring method was RTK together with repeated initializations. Position of the receiver was fixed firmly to a 2-meter long pole. Measurment accuracy was compared and analyzed based on root mean square error (RMSE). Results reveal accuracy differences in RTK networks. In Trimble VRS-Now network, there are constant systematic deviations about 2-3 cm. Best height accuracy was achieved by using only GPS signals with RMSE only 1,8 cm. Adding other GNSS signals lowered accuracy to 3,1 cm. Measurements at Lemmatsi point were the most accurate in any given combination of satellite signals or networks. Results were worst at Killinge point which is farthest from the base stations.
Geodeesia ja maakorralduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, geodeetilised mõõdistamised, geomaatika, geodeesia