Biochemical contents of highbush blueberry fruits grown in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Kättesaadav alates
Shevchuk, L.M.
Grynyk, I.V.
Levchuk, L.M
Yareshcenko, O.M.
Tereshcenko, Ya.Yu.
Babenko, S.M.
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
The study of the physical and consumption qualitative indices of the highbush
blueberries (the cultivars ‘Reca’, ‘Elizabeth’ and ‘Bluegold’) in the Western Lisosteppe of
Ukraine has shown that the biggest fruit mass was accumulated by the berries of two last
mentioned vs (1.54–1.50 g respectively). ‘Bluegold’ has this indicator as the least variable
(V = 10.6%). The accumulation of fruit mass of all studied cultivars was facilitated by a
moderately humid period of their development in 2018 with a hydrothermal coefficient of
1.1–1.2. The favorable year for the intensive synthesis of the dry matter and soluble solids was
2017 when the precipitation amount did not exceed 44 mm. The biggest number of the mentioned
substances during the research period was accumulated by fruits of ‘Reca’ - 17.48 and 13.24%,
respectively. It was established that the dry matter content had high level of stability (V = 8.2%),
and middle was for soluble solids (V = 19.5%). The amount of monosaccharides from which
glucose and fructose were investigated in fruits varied from 6.11 (‘Bluegold’) to 7.85 (‘Reca’), it
was slightly lower in ‘Elizabeth’ berries - 7.78%. ‘Bluegold’ fruits were characterized by high
stability (B = 9.6%) of the biggest content of titrated acids among the studied cultivars (2.42%).
The dry weather with low number of precipitation in 2017 (hydrothermal coefficient 0.3–0.4) was
favourable for the accumulation of both the mentioned acids and vitamin C in fruits of highbush
blueberries in the period of their formation and growth. The amount of ascorbic acid in fruits in
the specified year varied from 20.00 mg 100 g
-1 WM (‘Reca’) to 27.00 mg 100 g
-1 WM
(‘Elizabeth’) with an intermediate value of 22.50 mg 100 g
-1 WM (‘Bluegold’). The latest of the
mentioned varieties had the most constant index (V = 7.0%). The content of polyphenolic
substances was slightly dependent on weather conditions during the period of fruit growth, the
coefficients of variation were 6.2% (‘Reca’), 7.0% (‘Elizabeth’) and 5.8% (‘Bluegold’). The fruits
of the last mentioned cultivars were characterized with the biggest anthocyanins and chalcones
content (68 and 13 mg 100 g
-1 WM, respectively). The substantial indirect dependence of the
content of the nutritive substances and anthocyanins on the berry mass was revealed in
the ‘Reca’ fruits.
Received: October 26th, 2020 ; Accepted: February 2nd, 2021 ; Published: March 3nd, 2021 ; Correspondence:
Vaccinium corymbosum L., average mass, nutritional and bioactive substances, correlation, articles