Vertikaalne fotobioreaktor Spirulina kasvatamiseks koduse kasutamise eesmärgil
Kättesaadav alates
Leheveer, Rikko
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Eesti Maaülikool
Töö eesmärgiks on konstrueerida vertikaalne fotobioreaktor koduseks Spirulina
Töö on jaotatud kuueks peatükiks, kus esimeses peatükis kirjeldatakse mikrovetikaid
ning nende kasutusvaldkondi. Teises peatükis selgitatakse ökotoodete populaarsust ning
Spriulina kasulikkust inimestele. Kolmandas peatükis antakse ülevaade erinevatest
mikrovetikate kasvatusviisidest ja kasvukeskkonda mõjutavatest teguritest. Neljandas
peatükis tuuakse välja kavandatavale seadmele esitatavad nõuded, kirjeldatakse
materjalide valikut, konstrueeritakse vertikaalne väliselt valgustatud torureaktor ning
teostatakse arvutused valguse intensiivsuse modelleerimiseks. Viiendas peatükis
teostatakse katsetööd biomassi kontsentratsiooni leidmiseks ja valguse intensiivsuse
mõõtmised LI-COR LI190/R kvantsensori abil. Kuuendas peatükis tuuakse välja
katsetulemused ning teostatakse tulemuste analüüs.
The purpose of this thesis was to construct a vertical photobioreactor for small-scale Spirulina cultivation. The thesis is divided into six chapters, where in the first chapter microalgae and the usage of it is explained. In the second chapter, popularity of eco-products and benefits of Spirulina is explained. Third chapter gives an overview of different methods used to cultivate microalgae and explains the conditions needed. In the fourth chapter, the requirements of photobioreactor and choice of materials are explained, prototype design is described and calculations for light intensity modelling are made. Experimental work for finding biomass concentration and measuring light intensity using LI-COR LI190/R quantum sensor is described in the fifth chapter. In the last chapter test results and analysis are presented.
The purpose of this thesis was to construct a vertical photobioreactor for small-scale Spirulina cultivation. The thesis is divided into six chapters, where in the first chapter microalgae and the usage of it is explained. In the second chapter, popularity of eco-products and benefits of Spirulina is explained. Third chapter gives an overview of different methods used to cultivate microalgae and explains the conditions needed. In the fourth chapter, the requirements of photobioreactor and choice of materials are explained, prototype design is described and calculations for light intensity modelling are made. Experimental work for finding biomass concentration and measuring light intensity using LI-COR LI190/R quantum sensor is described in the fifth chapter. In the last chapter test results and analysis are presented.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, bioreaktorid, mikrovetikad, spirulina, kodune kasutus