Viljelusviisi mõju nisu N-i transporter geeni NRT1.1 ekspressioonile
Kättesaadav alates
Võeras, Sander
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Eesti Maaülikool
Nisu on üks põhilisi toiduks kasvatatavaid kultuure ning kasvava rahvastiku toiduvajaduse
rahuldamiseks peab maailma nisutoodang oluliselt kasvama. Lisaks on suureks
probleemiks madalad saagid maheviljeluses. Üheks võimaluseks saagikusi tõsta on
suurendada nisu N-i kasutamise efektiivsust. Antud uurimistöö raames uuriti nisu
kasutamise raja esimest osa, milleks on nitraadi transport taime.
Uurimistöö kirjeldab ning annab ülevaate nisu (Triticum aestivum) N-i transpordi eest
vastutava geeni NRT1.1 funktsioonidest ning Eesti tingimustes kasvatatud taimede
NRT1.1 geeni järjestusest. Sekveneerimisel saadi geeni NRT1.1 järjestused pikkusega 143
ja 144 aluspaari. Samuti uuriti NRT1.1 aktiivust erinevates viljelusviisides. Geeni
ekspressionitaseme hindamisel kasutati nii suhtelist kui ka absoluutset kvantifitseerimis
meetodit. Leiti, et suurema N-i hulga juures on geeniekspressioon suurem kuid samas
teatud koguse N-i hulka ületades geeniekspressioon alanes mis näitab, et liigne N alandab
geeniekspressiooni ja muudab taime N-i kasutuse ebaefektiivseks. Erinevus leiti
geeniekspressiooni osas lehtedes ja juurtes. Juurtes oli märgata tunduvalt madalamat geeni ekspressiooni taset kui lehtedes.
Antud töö põhjal ei saa kindlalt töös antud hüpoteesi ei ümber lükata ega ka
kinnitada ega teha kindlaid järeldusi. Uurimistöö on kindlasti kasuks edaspidistele nisu N-i
omastamise eesti vastutavate geenide uurimisel.
The increasing amount on people will demand more food in the future. To produce enough food there needs to be a change in crop production and efficiency. One of the biggest factors influencing yields is nitrogen assimilation. Nitrogen has a great role in plant growth but too high amounts of nitrogen fertilizers make it dangerous for the environment and people. To avoid leaching we should improve the use of nitrogen in plants. The aim of this research was to determine the expression level of nitrate transport gene NRT1.1 in different farming systems and to find out the sequence of gene NRT1.1 After sequencing the lengths of NRT1.1 DNA fragments were 144 bp and 143 bp. There was also an attempt to sequence a longer fragment but due to limit of time it was not possible. The longer sequence analysis was postponed to future. To measure the gene expression there was used absolute quantification and also relative quantification. The results showed that with a higher amount of nitrogen the gene expression was higher but to a certain limit. The difference was also in leaves and roots. In roots the gene expression was notably lower than in leaves. The results are not sufficient enough to make an assured conclusion but are useful for a future research.
The increasing amount on people will demand more food in the future. To produce enough food there needs to be a change in crop production and efficiency. One of the biggest factors influencing yields is nitrogen assimilation. Nitrogen has a great role in plant growth but too high amounts of nitrogen fertilizers make it dangerous for the environment and people. To avoid leaching we should improve the use of nitrogen in plants. The aim of this research was to determine the expression level of nitrate transport gene NRT1.1 in different farming systems and to find out the sequence of gene NRT1.1 After sequencing the lengths of NRT1.1 DNA fragments were 144 bp and 143 bp. There was also an attempt to sequence a longer fragment but due to limit of time it was not possible. The longer sequence analysis was postponed to future. To measure the gene expression there was used absolute quantification and also relative quantification. The results showed that with a higher amount of nitrogen the gene expression was higher but to a certain limit. The difference was also in leaves and roots. In roots the gene expression was notably lower than in leaves. The results are not sufficient enough to make an assured conclusion but are useful for a future research.
Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, nisu, teraviljakasvatus, maheviljelus, geeniekspressioon