Lüpsilehmade heaolu hindamise protokolli rakendatavuse uuring Eesti piimafarmides
Kättesaadav alates
Suletud / Closed, Korraldus nr. 6-1.VL/54
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Järjest rohkem on hakatud arutlema loomade heaolu üle. Farmerid otsivad viise kuidas
oma karja heaolu võimalikult lihtsalt hinnata kuna parem heaolu tagab eeldatavasti ka
kõrgema toodangu. Töö eesmärk oli uurida piimaveiste heaolu hindamisprotokolli
rakendatavust Eesti tingimustes. Hindamisel tugineti Euroopa Welfare Quality®
hindamisjuhendile. Uurimus viidi läbi kuues vabapidamisega lüpsifarmis nii suvel kui ka
talvel (ühes farmis ainult suvel). Kõikides farmides olid lehmad optimaalses
toitumusastmes nii suvel (keskmine 3,36) kui ka talvel (keskmine 3,21). Parema
toitumushindega farmides olid loomad ka tervemad. Leiti, et asemetel allapanu kasutavates
farmides esines lehmadel vähem nahavigastusi ja lonkavaid lehmi. Kõige rohkem
nahavigastusi esines randmetel ja pöidadel, suvel oli vigastatuse aste kõrgem kui talvel.
Piimatoodangu ja lonke esinemise hinde vahel leiti statistiliselt oluline tugev positiivne
seos (r = 0,67). Sotsiaalse käitumise väljendamise hinne oli kõikides farmides väga hea,
agressiivset käitumist märgati ainult söötmise ajal. Inimese ja looma vahelise hea suhte
hinnetest järeldati, et antud kriteeriumis on mõjufaktoriks ka töötajate vanus. Noorema
töökollektiiviga farmides oli looma ja inimese vahelise suhte hinne kõrgem. Enamus
farmidel oli eelnimetatud kriteeriumi hinne parem ka talvel. Positiivne emotsionaalne
seisund oli positiivselt seotud lamavate lehmade protsendiga (r = 0,62). Tulemuste põhjal
järeldati, et farmide üldine heaolu on rahuldav. Töös esitati ka soovitused
hindamisprotokolli muutmiseks vastavalt Eesti tingimustele.
Farmers are looking for ways to assess their herd welfare as simply as possible. One reason for this is that the better the welfare, the higher production can be expected. The aim of this work was to assess the practicability of a dairy cow welfare assessment protocol in Estonian conditions. The assessment was made based on the Welfare Quality® assessment. The evaluation was carried out on six loose housed dairy farms in summer and winter. Cows on all the farms had optimum body condition scores (BCS) in the summer (mean 3.36) and in winter (mean 3.21). Farms with cows which had better BCS, also had better health. Those farms which used bedding material had fewer integument alterations and less lameness. Most integument alterations were found on the carpal and tarsal regions, and more severe swellings were observed more often in the summer than in the winter. A significant strong positive correlation was found between milk yield and lameness score (r = 0.67). The expression of social behaviours’ score was very high on all farms; aggressive behaviour was noticed only during the feeding times. Farms with younger work collectives had higher human-animal relationship scores. For most of the farms the humananimal relationship criteria score was better in the winter. A positive emotional state was positively associated with the percentage of the cows lying down (r = 0.62). It is concluded that the overall welfare of the farms is at a satisfactory level. Recommendations are presented for possible changes in the welfare protcol to better suit Estonian conditions.
Farmers are looking for ways to assess their herd welfare as simply as possible. One reason for this is that the better the welfare, the higher production can be expected. The aim of this work was to assess the practicability of a dairy cow welfare assessment protocol in Estonian conditions. The assessment was made based on the Welfare Quality® assessment. The evaluation was carried out on six loose housed dairy farms in summer and winter. Cows on all the farms had optimum body condition scores (BCS) in the summer (mean 3.36) and in winter (mean 3.21). Farms with cows which had better BCS, also had better health. Those farms which used bedding material had fewer integument alterations and less lameness. Most integument alterations were found on the carpal and tarsal regions, and more severe swellings were observed more often in the summer than in the winter. A significant strong positive correlation was found between milk yield and lameness score (r = 0.67). The expression of social behaviours’ score was very high on all farms; aggressive behaviour was noticed only during the feeding times. Farms with younger work collectives had higher human-animal relationship scores. For most of the farms the humananimal relationship criteria score was better in the winter. A positive emotional state was positively associated with the percentage of the cows lying down (r = 0.62). It is concluded that the overall welfare of the farms is at a satisfactory level. Recommendations are presented for possible changes in the welfare protcol to better suit Estonian conditions.
lehmad, piimakari, heaolu, loomade käitumine, veisefarmid, Eesti, magistritööd