2-3-aastaste lastega perede eelistused, ootused ja rahulolu seoses ürituste külastamisega
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Täiskasvanud reisivad ja võtavad üritustest osa järjest enam koos lastega, mistõttu tuleb mõelda eelkõige laste sotsiaalsele heaolule. Keskendudes pereturistidele on oluline teada nende vajadusi, et oleks võimalik õigesti sihtgrupile läheneda ja tagada nii vastavus ootustele. Laste arengulised iseärasused mõjutavad ürituste valimist, külastamist ja kõike sinna juurde kuuluvat. Ürituste külastamine on väikelastele arenguliselt oluline, kuna nii saavad õnnestunud ürituse korral täidetud nende kõik vajadused. Uurimusi on pereturismi teemal küll tehtud, kuid asutuste, piirkonna või turunduse põhiselt, mitte niiväga üldist pilti luues niisugusest vanusest tulenevalt.
Käesoleva magistritöö peaeesmärk oli välja selgitada 2-3-aastaste lastega perede kui sihtgrupi üldised eelistused ja ootused ning rahulolu nende enda valitud üritusest.
Selleks viidi läbi ankeetküsitlus 2-3-aastaste laste vanemate seas. Andmeid töödeldi statistilise andmeanalüüsi meetodil.
Vastajad mäletavad enam positiivseid elamusi tekitanud üritusi. Pereturistid eelistavad üritusi külastada enim suvel. Üritustest osa võtva seltskonna suurus oleneb olukorrast. Vanemad eelistavad ja ootavad seda, mis on just lastele parim. Külastatud üritustega jäädi pigem rahule, kuid tegelema peab töös välja toodud puudustega.
Saadud tulemused sarnanesid erinevate eelmiste analoogsete töödega. Jätkuuuringutes võiks uurida kodust eemal asuvate ürituste külastamist või kitsaskohtasid. Tööd saavad kasutada ürituste korraldajad, et üritusi muuta peredele veelgi sobilikumateks.
Adults are traveling and taking part in events more and more with children. Therefore, it is important to think in particular about the social well-being of children. By focusing on family tourists, it's important to know their needs in order to be able to correctly approach the target group and ensure compliance with expectations. The developmental peculiarities of children influence the selection, visits and everything associated with events. Visiting events is important for the development of toddlers, because they can meet all their needs in a successful event. Research on family tourism has been done, but based on agencies, region or marketing, but not creation of a general picture of this age. The main objective of this Master's Thesis was to find out the general preferences and expectations of the families of children aged 2 to 3 and their satisfaction with their own chosen event. For this, a questionnaire survey was conducted among parents of children aged 2-3 years. The data was processed using a statistical data analysis method. Respondents remember more positive events. Family tourists prefer to visit events most in summer. The size of the group that participates in the event depends on the situation. Parents prefer and expect what is best for children. The event visited was satisfying for the customer but the organizers should pay attention to the shortcomings which were outlined in this paper. The results obtained were similar to different previous analogous works. In-depth surveys could be used to explore events that are away from home or narrows. Workshops can be used by event organizers to make family events even more relevant.
Adults are traveling and taking part in events more and more with children. Therefore, it is important to think in particular about the social well-being of children. By focusing on family tourists, it's important to know their needs in order to be able to correctly approach the target group and ensure compliance with expectations. The developmental peculiarities of children influence the selection, visits and everything associated with events. Visiting events is important for the development of toddlers, because they can meet all their needs in a successful event. Research on family tourism has been done, but based on agencies, region or marketing, but not creation of a general picture of this age. The main objective of this Master's Thesis was to find out the general preferences and expectations of the families of children aged 2 to 3 and their satisfaction with their own chosen event. For this, a questionnaire survey was conducted among parents of children aged 2-3 years. The data was processed using a statistical data analysis method. Respondents remember more positive events. Family tourists prefer to visit events most in summer. The size of the group that participates in the event depends on the situation. Parents prefer and expect what is best for children. The event visited was satisfying for the customer but the organizers should pay attention to the shortcomings which were outlined in this paper. The results obtained were similar to different previous analogous works. In-depth surveys could be used to explore events that are away from home or narrows. Workshops can be used by event organizers to make family events even more relevant.
Loodusturismi õppekaval
magistritööd, pereturism, laste areng, turismiturg