Elektrontahhümeetri prismata mõõtmise täpsus kaldpindadel
Kättesaadav alates
Mihhailov, Liisa Maria
Zahhartšenko, Anton
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Eesti Maaülikool
Tänapäeval kasutatakse geodeesias laialdaselt elektrontahhümeetrite prismata mõõtmise
ehk lasermõõtmise võimalust meetodi mugavuse ja kiiruse tõttu. Lasermõõtmise täpsust
mõjutavad tegurid on mõõdetava pinna omadused, pinna valgustatus, tahhümeetris
kasutatav tehnoloogia, mõõdetava punkti kaugus tahhümeetrist ja laserkiire langemisnurk
mõõtmispinna suhtes. Käesolev uurimistöö keskendub kahele viimasele tegurile.
Uurimistöö eesmärk on uurida asukoha ja kõrguse täpsust prismata mõõtmisel kaldpinnale
sõltuvalt tahhümeetri kaugusest ja vertikaalnurgast. Lisaks on uuritud prismata mõõtmise
kasutusvõimalust põrandate teostusmõõdistusel.
Uurimistöö mõõtmised tehti siseruumis 50-meetri pikkusel sirgel laserkaugusmõõtjaga
varustatud elektrontahhümeetriga Leica TS15 A 3′′ R400. Testpunkte oli kokku 25.
Testpunktide õiged väärtused on mõõdetud prismaga ja seejärel kahel katsel ilma
prismata. Mõõtmistulemustest järeldub, et kaugematel ja väiksema vertikaalnurgaga
punktidel on mõõtmistäpsus väiksem. Kõige täpsemad mõõtmised saavutati kõrguslikult keskmise ruutveaga 3 mm. Asukohaviga oli esimeses katses suurem kui teises, kus seda
vähendati täiendava koordinaatide järgi viseerimisega. Mõõtmised oli võimalik teha 42
meetrini, peale seda mõõtmised katkesid, kuna kaugus oli liiga suur ja vertikaalnurga
väärtus liiga väike. Kauguse suurenedes lasertäpp alguses suurenes, peale seda hakkas
aga otstest hajuma, mistõttu nägi jälle lühem välja. Lasertäpi kuju muutub kauguse
suurenedes täpist ellipsikujuliseks. Prismata mõõtmist saab kasutada põrandate ja
lagede kõrguse teostusmõõdistuseks kuni 42 m kaugusel tahhümeetrist.
Nowadays reflectorless total station measurements are widely used in geodesy due to the convenience and speed of this measuring method. Factors affecting the accuracy of laser measurements are the properties of the measured surface, surface illumination, the measurement technology used in the total station, the distance of the measured point from the total station and the angle of incidence of the laser beam relative to the surface. This research focuses on the last two factors. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the accuracy of the reflectorless total station measurement method on inclined surfaces, depending on the vertical angle and distance. In addition, the possibility of using reflectorless measurement for as–built survey of floors is considered. The measurements were made indoors on a 50-meter-long straight line consisting of 25 test points. Reflectorless total station Leica TS15 A 3′′ R400 was used for this experiment. The correct values of the test points were first measured with a prism and then two different ways with reflectorless method. The measurement results show that the measurement accuracy decreases for the points that are further away and have a smaller vertical angle. The most accurate measurements were height measurements with a mean squared error of 3 mm. The positioning error improved in the second test, where it was reduced by additional manual coordinates correction. Measurements could be made up to 42 meters, after which the measurements were interrupted because the distance was too large, and the value of the vertical angle was too small. As the distance increased, the laser dot initially got bigger, but then it started to scatter, so it looked shorter again. The shape of the laser dot becomes elliptical as the distance from the spot increases. Reflectorless measurement can be used for as-built survey of floors and ceilings as far away as 42 m from the total station.
Nowadays reflectorless total station measurements are widely used in geodesy due to the convenience and speed of this measuring method. Factors affecting the accuracy of laser measurements are the properties of the measured surface, surface illumination, the measurement technology used in the total station, the distance of the measured point from the total station and the angle of incidence of the laser beam relative to the surface. This research focuses on the last two factors. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the accuracy of the reflectorless total station measurement method on inclined surfaces, depending on the vertical angle and distance. In addition, the possibility of using reflectorless measurement for as–built survey of floors is considered. The measurements were made indoors on a 50-meter-long straight line consisting of 25 test points. Reflectorless total station Leica TS15 A 3′′ R400 was used for this experiment. The correct values of the test points were first measured with a prism and then two different ways with reflectorless method. The measurement results show that the measurement accuracy decreases for the points that are further away and have a smaller vertical angle. The most accurate measurements were height measurements with a mean squared error of 3 mm. The positioning error improved in the second test, where it was reduced by additional manual coordinates correction. Measurements could be made up to 42 meters, after which the measurements were interrupted because the distance was too large, and the value of the vertical angle was too small. As the distance increased, the laser dot initially got bigger, but then it started to scatter, so it looked shorter again. The shape of the laser dot becomes elliptical as the distance from the spot increases. Reflectorless measurement can be used for as-built survey of floors and ceilings as far away as 42 m from the total station.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, vertikaalnurk, laserkaugusmõõtjaga elektrontahhümeeter, elektrooniline kauguse mõõtmine (EKM)