Comprehensive study on wheat flour quality attributes as influence by different agrotechnical factors
Kättesaadav alates
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
The present polyfactorial long-term experiment was conducted to determine the role
of different agrotechnical factors, like fertilization, forecrop, year and cultivar on the quality and
yield attributes of a classical and a modern winter wheat genotypes. The research gives a complex
view of the alteration of the most quality parameters (32) that are rarely done together in a single
experiment (n = 96). All the studied factors had a significant effect on some tested properties.
First growing season with fair water supply was beneficial for yield (+21.7%) however, the 2nd
one with mild weather in spring and average annual precipitation was favourable for quality
parameters (HFN: +3%, GI: +19%, GS: -51%, DDT: +22.4%, ST: +24.6%, DS: -14%,
PDR: +37.6%, PD: +6%, PMR: +51.5%, PE: +52.7%, W: +25.8%, LV: +16.3%, HI: +13.3%).
The optimal fertilizer demand of the different parameters varied to realize the potential of the
varieties (N90P68K80 for Y, VWA, PWA, PMR, PE, LV, Mavg, KW and HI; meanwhile
N150P113K133 for CP, WGC, ZI, VQN, ST, W and P/L). In the case of suboptimal nutrient supply,
the effect of fore crops was significant (Y, CP, DGC, ZI, FE, VQN, DDT, ST, DS, PDR, PMR,
PE, Mavg and all alveographic values). Comparing the varieties, GK Öthalom had better fertilizer
response attribute (NUECP) and quality parameters, till then Mv Ispán possessed significantly
better natural nutrient utilizing property (+22.9%), NUEY and yield (+31.7% in 2019).
Summarizing the results, there is a need to put great emphasis on the selection of adapted cultivar
and variety-specific agrotechnology practices, also these data contribute to a better understanding
of the relationships between the quality parameters.
Received: November 27th, 2020 ; Accepted: February 2nd, 2021 ; Published: March 2nd, 2021 ; Corresponding author:
wheat flour quality, agrotechnical factors, yield, baking quality, fertilization, articles