Game species fodder conditions in Eastern Siberia and Amur region
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Hunting farms can serve as a source of primary data on the state of natural resources.
Taking into account the increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment, it is necessary to
constantly monitor the situation with food for ungulates and predators in order to be able to take
timely measures to improve the quality of habitat for wild fauna. Populations of wild large
animals live in the host landscapes of so reduced that animals population become extremely
vulnerable and unstable, signs of crisis can be seen in the data on the number of animals. Lack of
natural food is a serious deterrent, especially in difficult times of the year, such as winter and
spring. An analysis of the situation with food for a particular species will allow hunting farms to
properly plan their feeding and other activities throughout the year in order to maintain a
population of certain species on their territory and minimize the migration of species outside the
protected areas. The aim of our work was to create a baseline for tracking data on the
characteristics of wildlife animals. The research results allow hunting farms to use the data of
animal feeding preferences during different seasons of the year for better organization of their
biotechnical measures and improvement of feeding conditions for such species as red deer
(Cervus elaphus), elk (Cervus canadensis), roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) and bear(Ursus
Amur region, brown bear, Eastern Siberia, fodder base, Siberian roe deer, articles