Riigigümnaasiumite arendamine ja haldamine
dc.contributor.advisor | Kaing, Madis | |
dc.contributor.author | Laiv, Rauno | |
dc.contributor.department | Geomaatika | et |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-05-25T07:42:34Z | |
dc.date.available | 2017-05-25T07:42:34Z | |
dc.date.defensed | 2017-05-31 | |
dc.date.issued | 2017 | |
dc.description | Magistritöö Kinnisvara planeerimise õppekaval | et |
dc.description.abstract | Eesti haridusreformi raames on aastatel 2014-2020 elluviimisel koolivõrgu korrastamise programm, mille üheks osaks on õppehoonete ülalpidamiskulude vähendamine läbi kasutatava pinna optimeerimise. Seejuures luuakse igasse maakonna keskusesse ning suurematesse linnadesse riigi pidamisel olevad gümnaasiumid, et tagada kvaliteetne haridus kõigile võrdsetel alustel. Magistritöö eesmärgiks on hinnata 2013. ja 2015. aastal loodud riigigümnaasiumite investeeringute- ning sellele järgnevate kinnisvarakorrashoiukulude majanduslikku efektiivsust. Töös on kasutatud võrdlusanalüüsi metoodikat, milles analüüsiti riigigümnaasiumite investeeringute-, korrashoiu- ja energiatarbimiste kulusid. Uuringus on kasutatud hoonete esimese 16 kuu kinnisvarakorrashoiu kulusid, esimese täisaasta tarbimiskulusid ning arendusperioodi koguinvesteeringu maksumust. Riigigümnaasiumite analüüsitavad kulud taandati ühele ruutmeetrile, millest selgusid erinevused hoonete ülalpidamiskuludest ning nende seosed investeeringu kogukuludega. Uurimistöö tulemusena selgus, et kallima investeeringukogukuluga riigigümnaasiumitel ei olnud edasised ülalpidamiskulud madalamad vaid hoopis kõrgemad, kui madalamate investeeringute kogukuludega õppehoonetel. Koostatud töö tulemusi saab kasutada uute riigigümnaasiumite arendusperioodil valikute ja otsuste tegemisel, et saavutada hoonete maksimaalne efektiivsus. | et |
dc.description.abstract | In the period from 2014 to 2020, Estonian education reform involves implementation of the programme for streamlining the school network, a part of which is reducing the operation and maintenance costs of study buildings through optimisation of the floor area used. In this process, State-maintained upper secondary schools will be established in each county centre and in larger cities in order to ensure high-quality education for everybody on equal grounds. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to evaluate the economic efficiency of the investment costs and further real estate maintenance costs of the state upper secondary schools established in 2013 and in 2015. The thesis uses the comparative analysis method, where an analysis was performed of the investment, maintenance and energy consumption costs of the state upper secondary schools. The data used in the study are the real estate maintenance costs of the buildings in the first 16 months, the consumption costs of the first full year and the value of the total investment made during the development period. The analysed costs of the state upper secondary schools were calculated per square metre, which revealed differences in the operation and maintenance costs of the buildings and their connections with the total costs of investments. The research revealed that the further operation and maintenance costs of the state upper secondary schools of higher total costs of investments were not lower, but actually higher than those of the study buildings of lower total costs of investments. The results of the thesis can be used for making choices and decisions in the development period of new state upper secondary schools in order to achieve maximum efficiency for the buildings. | en |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/10492/3310 | |
dc.publisher | Eesti Maaülikool | et |
dc.subject | magistritööd | et |
dc.subject | kinnisvarakeskkond | et |
dc.subject | kinnisvaraarendus | et |
dc.subject | kinnisvarahooldus | et |
dc.subject | kinnisvarahaldus | et |
dc.subject | riigigümnaasiumid | et |
dc.title | Riigigümnaasiumite arendamine ja haldamine | et |
dc.title.alternative | Development and Facility Management of State Upper Secondary Schools | en |
dc.type | Master Thesis | en |
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