SA KIK rahastatava Keskkonnaprogrammi kasutus Tartumaa näitel aastatel 2018 -2023
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Eesti Maaülikool
Tartumaa koolid ja lasteaiad on ajas avaldanud vähem soovi keskkonnahariduslikes
programmides osalemiseks. Käesoleva töö eesmärk on anda ülevaade, kuidas on
muutunud SA KIK Keskkonnaprogrammi abil Tartumaa haridusasutuste poolt tehtud
taotluste arv Tartumaa ja teiste maakondade keskkonnahariduskeskuste poolt
pakutavates programmides osalemiseks. Muutuste hindamiseks kasutati SA KIK poolt
saadud andmeid ning nende põhjal tehti kvantitatiivne analüüs. Andmed on aastate
2018 kuni 2023 kohta. Tartumaa haridusasutuste esitatud taotluste arv on uuritud
ajaperioodil langenud. Lasteaedade osakaal on vähenenud rohkem, kui koolide osakaal.
Peamisteks muutuste põhjusteks on lasteaedade ja gümnaasiumide eemaldamine SA
KIK Keskkonnaprogrammi taotluste esitajate nimekirjast. Tartumaa koolide ja
lasteaedade esitatud taotlused on jaotunud üle Eesti, kuid enim soovitakse külastada
vastandlikult kõige lähedasemaid või kõige kaugemaid maakondi. Tartumaal
paiknevate keskkonnahariduskeskustesse esitatud taotluste arvud on uuritud
ajaperioodil tõusnud. Välja on kujunenud enim külastatud ehk populaarsemad
keskused, kuhu esitatakse taotlusi üle Eesti. Antud tulemuste põhjal võib eeldada, aga
mitte väita, et COVID-19 on mõjutanud taotluste esitamise arve ajal, kui riigis kehtis
Over time, schools and kindergartens in Tartu County have expressed less interest in participating in environmental education programmes. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of how the number of applications made by educational institutions in Tartu County with the help of the KIK Environmental Programme has changed. The data received from the KIK was used to assess the changes and a quantitative analysis was carried out on the basis of this data. The data cover the years 2018 to 2023. The number of applications submitted by educational institutions in Tartu County has decreased over the period studied. The share of kindergartens has decreased more than the share of schools. The main reason for the changes is the removal of kindergartens and high schools from the list of applicants for the KIK Environmental Programme. The applications submitted by schools and kindergartens in Tartu County are spread all over Estonia, but the counties most often requested to visit are either the closest or the furthest away. The number of applications to environmental education centres in Tartu County has increased over the period studied. The most visited, or popular, centres have emerged, with applications from all over Estonia. Based on these results, it can be assumed, but not claimed, that COVID-19 has influenced the number of applications during the period of the state of emergency.
Over time, schools and kindergartens in Tartu County have expressed less interest in participating in environmental education programmes. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of how the number of applications made by educational institutions in Tartu County with the help of the KIK Environmental Programme has changed. The data received from the KIK was used to assess the changes and a quantitative analysis was carried out on the basis of this data. The data cover the years 2018 to 2023. The number of applications submitted by educational institutions in Tartu County has decreased over the period studied. The share of kindergartens has decreased more than the share of schools. The main reason for the changes is the removal of kindergartens and high schools from the list of applicants for the KIK Environmental Programme. The applications submitted by schools and kindergartens in Tartu County are spread all over Estonia, but the counties most often requested to visit are either the closest or the furthest away. The number of applications to environmental education centres in Tartu County has increased over the period studied. The most visited, or popular, centres have emerged, with applications from all over Estonia. Based on these results, it can be assumed, but not claimed, that COVID-19 has influenced the number of applications during the period of the state of emergency.
Loodusturismi õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, SA KIK, looduskeskus, mitteformaalne haridus, keskkonnaharidus, Tartumaa, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), keskkonnateadvus