Kohalike omavalitsuste maade omandamine jalgratta- ja jalgteede ehitamiseks pärast kinnisasja avalikes huvides omandamise seaduse jõustumist 01.07.2018
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Eesti Maaülikool
Pidevalt arenev maailm nõuab infrastruktuuri uuendamist või ehitamist. Selleks sobiva
maa leidmine ei saa tugineda ainult kinnisvaraturgudel pakutavale, sest nii ei pruugi saada
sobivat maad vajalikus asukohas. Siit algavad läbirääkimised kinnisvara omanikega maa
omandamiseks. Eestis võeti 2018.aastal vastu kinnisasja avalikes huvides omandamise
seadus, millega lihtsustati ja tehti selgemaks maa omandamine avaliku huvi korral.
Magistritöö eesmärk on välja selgitada kuidas Eesti kohalikes omavalitsustes on
lahendatud eraomandis olevate maade kasutamine või omandamine jalgratta- ja jalgtee
ehitamisekspärast kinnisasja avalikes huvides omandamise seaduse (KAHOS) jõustumist.
Eesmärgi saavutamiseks kasutati ankeetküsitlust, mis saadeti kõigile Eesti kohalikele
omavalitsustele. Vastamisaktiivsus oli 20,25%. Vastused saadi 36 jalgratta- ja jalgtee
projekti ja 611 katastriüksuse kohta.
Töö tulemusena saadi teada järgnev: 1)vastanud omavalitsused omandasid 102 eraomandis
katastriüksust, neist ühe täies ulatuses; 2)omandatud katastriüksute eest maksti tasu 91
kinnisasja omanikule; 3)lisaks maksti motivatsioonitasu 49 kinnisasja omanikule; 4)
vastanud omavalitsused seadsid sundvalduse 79 kinnisasjale; 5) 44 kinnisasja omanikule
maksti sundvalduse eest tasu; 6) sundvõõrandati üks kinnisasi; 7) kiirmenetlusega
omandati 9 kinnisasja ja need ühe projekti raames; 8) KAHOSe väline kokkulepe (isikliku
kasutusõiguse seadmine) saavutati 182 kinnisasja omanikuga, mis on 50% kõigist kaasatud
eraomandis katastriüksutest.
Tulevikus saab maade omandamise teemat põhjalikumalt uurida, näiteks omandamise
eesmärkide järgi või tutvustada süvitsi mõnda omandamise menetluse protsessi. Võib ka
teha statistilisi uuringuid omandamise, sundvõõrandamise või sundvalduse menetluste
kohta üldiselt. Käesoleva uuringu tulemusena selgus, et kohalikud omavalitsused
eelistavad seada isikliku kasutusõiguse, tulevikus võiks uurida, miks see nii on.
In a constantly evolving world, the need for infrastructure upgrades and new construction arises. Finding suitable land for this cannot rely only on real estate markets, because it might not be possible to get the proper land in the right location. This is where negotiations with property owners for land acquisition begin. In 2018, Estonia implemented the Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act, which simplified and clarified the acquisition of land in cases of public interest. The aim of the Master’s thesis is to find out how Estonian local governments have resolved the use or acquisition of privately owned land for the construction of bicycle and pedestrian roads after enactment of the Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act (KAHOS). To achieve the goal, a questionnaire survey was conducted, which was sent to all Estonian local governments. The response rate was 20,25%. Responses were provided regarding a total of 36 projects for bicycle and pedestrian roads and 611 cadastral units. As a result of the work, the following was found out: 1) the responding municipalities acquired 102 privately owned cadastral units, one of them completely; 2) fees were paid to 91 real estate owners for the acquired cadastral units; 3) in addition, motivation fee was paid to 49 real estate owners; 4) the responding municipalities imposed forced possession on 79 immovable properties; 5) the owner of 44 immovable properties was paid a fee for forces possession; 6) one real estate was expropriated; 7) 9 immovable properties were acquired with the express procedure and they were within the framework of one project; 8) KAHOS external agreement (establishment of a personal right of use) was reached with 182 real estate owners, which is 50% of all included privately owned cadastral units. In the future, the topic of land acquisition can be studied more thoroughly, for example, according to the objectives of the acquisition, or some of the processes of the acquisition procedure can be introduced in depth. Statistical studies of acquisition, expropriation, or foreclosure proceedings in general may also be carried out. As a result of this study, it turned out that local governments prefer to set personal rights of use, in the future, it could be investigated, why this is so.
In a constantly evolving world, the need for infrastructure upgrades and new construction arises. Finding suitable land for this cannot rely only on real estate markets, because it might not be possible to get the proper land in the right location. This is where negotiations with property owners for land acquisition begin. In 2018, Estonia implemented the Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act, which simplified and clarified the acquisition of land in cases of public interest. The aim of the Master’s thesis is to find out how Estonian local governments have resolved the use or acquisition of privately owned land for the construction of bicycle and pedestrian roads after enactment of the Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act (KAHOS). To achieve the goal, a questionnaire survey was conducted, which was sent to all Estonian local governments. The response rate was 20,25%. Responses were provided regarding a total of 36 projects for bicycle and pedestrian roads and 611 cadastral units. As a result of the work, the following was found out: 1) the responding municipalities acquired 102 privately owned cadastral units, one of them completely; 2) fees were paid to 91 real estate owners for the acquired cadastral units; 3) in addition, motivation fee was paid to 49 real estate owners; 4) the responding municipalities imposed forced possession on 79 immovable properties; 5) the owner of 44 immovable properties was paid a fee for forces possession; 6) one real estate was expropriated; 7) 9 immovable properties were acquired with the express procedure and they were within the framework of one project; 8) KAHOS external agreement (establishment of a personal right of use) was reached with 182 real estate owners, which is 50% of all included privately owned cadastral units. In the future, the topic of land acquisition can be studied more thoroughly, for example, according to the objectives of the acquisition, or some of the processes of the acquisition procedure can be introduced in depth. Statistical studies of acquisition, expropriation, or foreclosure proceedings in general may also be carried out. As a result of this study, it turned out that local governments prefer to set personal rights of use, in the future, it could be investigated, why this is so.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, maade omandamine avalikes huvides, sundvõõrandamine, maade kasutamine avalikes huvides, isiklik kasutusõigus