Mõnede lenduvate ühendite mõju hariliku männikärsaka (Hylobius abietis (L.)) lokomotoorsele käitumisele
Kättesaadav alates
alates 24.03.2020
Pertman, Annika
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Männikärsakad on ühed ohtlikumad okaspuukultuuride kahjurid. Kõige tavalisem männikärsaka
liik Eestis on harilik männikärsakas (Hylobius abietis (L.)). Hariliku männikärsaka
valmikud toituvad peamiselt noorte okaspuutaimede tüvekoorest. Toidutaime leidmiseks
kasutavad putukad taimedest lenduvaid erinevate keemiliste ühendite (α-pineeni jt) lõhnasid.
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks oli uurida erinevate toidutaimede lõhnade mõju hariliku
männikärsaka liikumiskäitumisele labortingimustes ning välja selgitada mõnede insektitsiidide
ja tärpentini-etanooli segudest eralduvate lõhnade mõju hariliku männikärsaka liikumisaktiivsusele
Uurimistöös kasutati Y-kujulist ja neljaharulist olfaktomeetrit. Putuka liikumiskäitumise
salvestamiseks ja analüüsimiseks rakendati lisaks videojälgimissüsteemi EthoVision XT
11. Katsetes tarvitati erinevate okaspuude (mänd, kuusk, lehis, nulg, ebatsuuga) võrseid,
vaigutärpentini ja kolme erinevat tärpentini-etanooli segu (vahekorras 1:2, 1:3, 1:5) ning
insektitsiide Actara 25 WG, Decis Mega ja NeemAzal T/S.
Töö tulemustena selgus, et toidutaimede lõhnad mõjusid harilikule männikärsakale atraktiivselt.
Leiti, et tärpentini-etanooli segu (vahekorras 1:5) lõhn mõjus atraktiivselt vaid
emasputukatele, kuid samade koostisainete segu lõhnale (vahekorras 1:3) reageerisid lisaks
ka isasputukad. Neljaharulises olfaktomeetris katsetatud insektitsiididest mõjusid männikärsaka
valmikutele repellentselt botaaniline insektitsiid NeemAzal T/S (toimeaine azadirahtiin
A) ja püretroidpreparaat Decis Mega (toimeaine deltametriin). Neonikotinoid Actara
25 WG (toimeaine tiametoksaam) mardikatele repellentset mõju ei avaldanud.
Läbiviidud katsed näitasid, et neljaharuline olfaktomeeter sobib männikärsakate käitumise
(sh. insektitsiidide repellentsuse väljaselgitamiseks) uurimiseks oluliselt paremini kui Ykujuline
The pine weevils are considered to be the most important pests for conifer sites. In Estonia, the most common is the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (L.). The adults of pine weevils feed mainly on phloem tissue on the stems of conifer seedlings. Insects use the odours of volatile compounds (α-pinene, etc.) emitted from the plants to find their host-plants. The aim of this thesis was to study the effects of odours of various host-plants and to find out the effect of odours of some insecticides and turpentine-ethanol mixtures on the behaviour of the large pine weevil in laboratory conditions. The experiments were carried out in Y-shaped and four-arm olfactometers. In addition, an automated video tracking system EthoVision XT 11 was applied to record and analyze the movement of insects. Several shoots of different conifer species (pine, spruce, larch, fir, Douglas fir), turpentine and three different turpentine-ethanol mixtures (with ratios of 1:2, 1:3, 1:5) and insecticides Actara 25 WG, Decis Mega and NeemAzal T/S were used in this study. The results of the experiments showed that the odours of host-plants were attractive to the large pine weevils. It was found out that the odours from turpentine-ethanol mixture with a ratio of 1:5 was attractive to females, however, if the ratio was 1:3, the odours were attractive also to males. The insecticides NeemAzal T/S (active ingredient azadirachtin A) and Decis Mega (a.i. deltamethrin) acted as repellents for the pine weevils in the experiments carried out in the four-arm olfactometer. Neonicotinoid Actara 25 WG (a.i. thiamethoxam) had no repellent effect. According to the experiments carried out, the four-arm olfactometer is significally more suitable for studying the behaviour of pine weevils (including the identifying the repellency of insecticides) than the Y-shaped olfactometer.
The pine weevils are considered to be the most important pests for conifer sites. In Estonia, the most common is the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (L.). The adults of pine weevils feed mainly on phloem tissue on the stems of conifer seedlings. Insects use the odours of volatile compounds (α-pinene, etc.) emitted from the plants to find their host-plants. The aim of this thesis was to study the effects of odours of various host-plants and to find out the effect of odours of some insecticides and turpentine-ethanol mixtures on the behaviour of the large pine weevil in laboratory conditions. The experiments were carried out in Y-shaped and four-arm olfactometers. In addition, an automated video tracking system EthoVision XT 11 was applied to record and analyze the movement of insects. Several shoots of different conifer species (pine, spruce, larch, fir, Douglas fir), turpentine and three different turpentine-ethanol mixtures (with ratios of 1:2, 1:3, 1:5) and insecticides Actara 25 WG, Decis Mega and NeemAzal T/S were used in this study. The results of the experiments showed that the odours of host-plants were attractive to the large pine weevils. It was found out that the odours from turpentine-ethanol mixture with a ratio of 1:5 was attractive to females, however, if the ratio was 1:3, the odours were attractive also to males. The insecticides NeemAzal T/S (active ingredient azadirachtin A) and Decis Mega (a.i. deltamethrin) acted as repellents for the pine weevils in the experiments carried out in the four-arm olfactometer. Neonicotinoid Actara 25 WG (a.i. thiamethoxam) had no repellent effect. According to the experiments carried out, the four-arm olfactometer is significally more suitable for studying the behaviour of pine weevils (including the identifying the repellency of insecticides) than the Y-shaped olfactometer.
harilik männikärsakas, liikumine, loomade käitumine, lenduvad ühendid, insektitsiidid, magistritööd