Ülevaade Kuremaa ja selle lähipiirkonna loodusturismi hetkeolukorrast ja arenguperspektiividest
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Kuremaad ja selle lähipiirkonda võib praegu nimetada „magala“-piirkonnaks, sest elanikkond on vananev ja noored leiavad tööd ja paremaid elamistingimusi linnades.
Kuremaa väärib oma tunnusnime „Vooremaa Pärl“, kuna kohalikud elanikud on valmis andma oma panuse loodusturismi arendamiseks. Selleks on oluline leida aktiivseid eestvedajaid ja arendada kohalikku väikeettevõtlust, et turismivaldkonna tulu jääks piirkonda.
Siin on olemas loodusturismi arendamiseks esmavajalik infrastruktuur, majutusettevõte, ujula, toitlustusettevõtted, järv supelrannaga, telkimisalad ja liigirohked metsad.
Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks oli uurida, kas ja millises mahus on võimalik arendada Kuremaal ja selle lähipiirkonnas loodusturismi. Võimalikke teenuseid sai loetletud 26, edasine oleneb kohaliku omavalitsuse valmidusest panustada piirkonna arengusse.
Piirkonna arenguperspektiivide rakendamisel on oluline roll elanikkonna jätkusuutlikkuse säilimisel, sellest tulenevalt on vaja tagada piirkonna elanikele piisaval hulgal töökohti, et noored jääksid maale elama.
Detailsema ülevaate saamiseks hinnati ja kirjeldati küla profiilist lähtuvalt ajalugu, geograafilist asendit, loodust, majandust, infrastruktuuri, elanikkonda ja koostööd omavalitsusega. Jõgeva valla SWOT-analüüsiga hinnati Kuremaa olulisust kohaliku omavalitsuse territooriumil ja sellest tulenevaid tugevusi, nõrkusi, võimalusi ja ohte. Tulemuste kontrollimiseks kasutati autori õppetöö käigus valminud sotsioloogilise uurimuse võrdlust SWOT-analüüsiga.
Bakalaureusetöö “Ülevaade Kuremaa ja selle lähipiirkonna loodusturismi hetkeolukorrast ja arenguperspektiividest“ käsitleb Kuremaa loodusturismi positiivseid ja negatiivseid külgi. Selleks, et probleemide lahendamine oleks edukas, on vajalik turistidele tutvustada Kuremaad kui teenusterohket maapiirkonda, kus külalised peatuksid kauem kui 1–3 päeva ja tarbiksid kohalikke teenuseid.
Kuremaa näol on tegemist küll väikealevikuga Kuremaa järve kaldal, aga siiski väärtusliku ja igal sammul tajutava looduskeskkonnaga, kust puuduvad tööstusettevõtted. Tulevane küla arengukava peaks toetama loodusturismi kui perspektiivse majandusharu arendamist piirkonnas.
Tahaks loota, et kohalikud elanikud ja omavalitsus teeksid arengukava koostamisel koostööd ja hakkaksid ühise eesmärgi nimel tegutsema.
At the moment you can call Kuremaa and its subarea as a “sleeping area”, because the population there is ageing and the younger generation finds jobs and better living conditions in the cities. Kuremaa deserves its known name “Vooremaa Pärl” because locals are ready to give their best to develop the products of nature tourism. Thatswhy it is important to find some active leaders and improve local small enterprise, so the present enterprisers would not take away the profit of the local tourism branch. In Kuremaa, there are a lot for developing nature tourism, for example the first rate infrastructure, accommodation enterprise, indoor pool, catering enterprise, beach, camping areas and forests that are rich in contingency. The aim of this assignment was to examine, whether and in which capacity it is possible to develop Kuremaa’s and its nearby area’s nature tourism opportunities. Altogether, there are 26 services; further life depends on local government and their willingness to impone on local area’s development. In order to effectuate the local development perspectives, there is an important role to sustain the populace. For the development of the area it is important to keep the population sustainability. Also it is important to provide jobs for the locals, so the younger generation would stay living in countryside. For the detailed overview it has been assessed and described by its history, geographical location, nature, economy, infrastructure, populace and collaboration of the village. With Jõgeva parish SWOT-analysis there has been an assessment about Kuremaa’s importance as local government’s territory and its weaknesses, strengths, nature tourism’s interest groups, and to check the results they used the author’s comparison of the sociological research which was completed during the studies. This bachelor’s thesis “The overview of Kuremaa and its neighbourhood’s present situation and development perspectives of nature tourism” disserts positive and negative aspects of Kuremaa’s nature tourism. In order to the resolution of these would be successful, it is necessary to promote Kuremaa as a service abundant county area. In hopes that the tourists stop in Kuremaa more than 1-3 days, we are suggesting them to use great local services. When thinking of tourists, we also think about ourselves – it creates the valuable dwelling place, where everything we need is accessible. It is important to work close to nature, if people’s everyday life environment is in the middle of the nature. Kuremaa is a little hamlet by Kuremaa’s lake, with its valuable and great nature where is no factory industries. The future village development plan should support nature tourism as the perspective industry developing in the area. We can only hope that Kuremaa’s Village Society and locals will come together and start putting together a development plan and start working towards its aims.
At the moment you can call Kuremaa and its subarea as a “sleeping area”, because the population there is ageing and the younger generation finds jobs and better living conditions in the cities. Kuremaa deserves its known name “Vooremaa Pärl” because locals are ready to give their best to develop the products of nature tourism. Thatswhy it is important to find some active leaders and improve local small enterprise, so the present enterprisers would not take away the profit of the local tourism branch. In Kuremaa, there are a lot for developing nature tourism, for example the first rate infrastructure, accommodation enterprise, indoor pool, catering enterprise, beach, camping areas and forests that are rich in contingency. The aim of this assignment was to examine, whether and in which capacity it is possible to develop Kuremaa’s and its nearby area’s nature tourism opportunities. Altogether, there are 26 services; further life depends on local government and their willingness to impone on local area’s development. In order to effectuate the local development perspectives, there is an important role to sustain the populace. For the development of the area it is important to keep the population sustainability. Also it is important to provide jobs for the locals, so the younger generation would stay living in countryside. For the detailed overview it has been assessed and described by its history, geographical location, nature, economy, infrastructure, populace and collaboration of the village. With Jõgeva parish SWOT-analysis there has been an assessment about Kuremaa’s importance as local government’s territory and its weaknesses, strengths, nature tourism’s interest groups, and to check the results they used the author’s comparison of the sociological research which was completed during the studies. This bachelor’s thesis “The overview of Kuremaa and its neighbourhood’s present situation and development perspectives of nature tourism” disserts positive and negative aspects of Kuremaa’s nature tourism. In order to the resolution of these would be successful, it is necessary to promote Kuremaa as a service abundant county area. In hopes that the tourists stop in Kuremaa more than 1-3 days, we are suggesting them to use great local services. When thinking of tourists, we also think about ourselves – it creates the valuable dwelling place, where everything we need is accessible. It is important to work close to nature, if people’s everyday life environment is in the middle of the nature. Kuremaa is a little hamlet by Kuremaa’s lake, with its valuable and great nature where is no factory industries. The future village development plan should support nature tourism as the perspective industry developing in the area. We can only hope that Kuremaa’s Village Society and locals will come together and start putting together a development plan and start working towards its aims.
Kuremaa, loodusturism, arenguperspektiivid, bakalaureusetööd