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Owner compliance with treatment guidelines for atopic dermatitis in dogs

dc.contributor.advisorKulasalu, Liisi
dc.contributor.authorViinikainen, Noora Maaria
dc.descriptionFinal Thesis Curriculum in Veterinary Medicineeng
dc.description.abstractThis research explains different treatment options for dogs having atopic dermatitis and attempts to understand what treatment options owners prefer, is there a correlation with the treatment option being chose, time of the diagnosis, treatment difficulties and owners education level, and what aspects owners find to be challenging in the treatment of canine atopic dermatitis. The study was conducted in the form of a questionnaire handed to the owners visiting dermatologist at the small animal hospital of Estonian University of Life Sciences with their dogs diagnosed with canine atopic dermatitis. The period of collecting the answers was from December 2022 to April 2023. Best short-term treatments are glucocorticoids and oclacitinib. For chronic symptoms allergen specific immunotherapy, lokivetmab and oclacitinib has shown to be a highly effective. Cyclosporine and recombinant interferons are also good alternatives for chronic treatment. Most common adverse effects of these medications are vomiting, diarrhea, polyuria, polydipsia and on some cases increased pruritus mostly at the start of the treatment. The study found that only the owners having a dog diagnosed with canine atopic dermatitis less than a year ago and having a higher education chose allergen specific immunotherapy. Treatment costs were the most challenging aspect for all the owners, second most common challenge was regular veterinary visits. Oclacitinib, allergen specific immunotherapy and lokivetmab were the most common treatment options. Most predisposed dog breeds were French bulldogs and German shepherds. Most of the dogs visited the dermatologist once a month.eng
dc.description.abstractAntud uurimus selgitab erinevaid ravivariante atoopilise dermatiidi diagnoosiga koertel ning üritab aru saada, milliseid ravimeetodeid eelistavad omanikud. Uuritakse, kas on seos ravivalikute, diagnoosimise ajalisuse, raviskeemist kinnipidamise ja omanike haridusliku taseme vahel ning missuguseid aspekte omanikud atoopilise dermatiidiga koera ravis keeruliseks peavad. Uurimus viidi läbi küsimustiku vormis Maaülikooli Väikeloomakliiniku dermatoloogi visiidil viibivate omanike seas. Kõigil uuringus olevatel koertel oli diagnoositud atoopiline dermatiit. Andmeid koguti perioodil detsembrist 2022 aprillini 2023. Parimad lühiajalise ravi valikud on glükokortikosteroidid ja oklatsitiniib. Krooniliste sümptomite raviks on efektiivsed allergeen-spetsiifiline immunoteraapia, lokivetmab ja oklatsitiniib. Tsüklosporiin ja rekombinantsed interferoonid on ka heaks alternatiiviks kroonilistel juhtudel. Enamlevinumad kõrvaltoimed nendele ravimitele on oksendamine, kõhulahtisus, polüdipsia, polüuuria ning mõnel juhul suurenenud sügelus ravi alguses. Uuringust selgus, et ainult omanikud, kellel oli kõrgem haridustase ja kelle loomal oli atoopiline dermatiit diagnoositud viimase aasta sees, valisid allergeenspetsiifilise immuntoeraapia. Kõige keerulisemaks aspektiks hindasid omanikud ravimite maksumust, teiseks keeruliseksnüansiks osutusid regulaarsed visiidid loomakliinikusse. Oklatsitiniib, allergeenspetsiifiline immunoteraapia ja lokivetmab olid kõige levinumad ravivariandid. Suurima eelsoodumusega tõugudeks leiti olevat prantsuse buldog ja saksa lambakoer. Enamus koeri käis dermatoloogi visiidil kord kuus.est
dc.publisherEesti Maaülikoolest
dc.subjectmaster thesiseng
dc.subjectcaregiver burdeneng
dc.subjecttreatment challengeseng
dc.titleOwner compliance with treatment guidelines for atopic dermatitis in dogseng
dc.title.alternativeOmanikupoolne ravijuhiste täitmine koerte atoopilise dermatiidid korralest


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