Monensiini profülaktilise kasutamise mõju lehma toodangunäitajatele ja haiguse esinemisele kolmel poegimisjärgsel kuul
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Eesti Maaülikool
Vahemikku kolm nädalat enne ja kolm nädalat pärast poegimist nimetatakse
üleminekuperioodiks, mille ajal toimuvad lehma organismis suured füsioloogilised
muutused. Poegimisjärgne kõrge piimatoodang ning madal kuivaine söömus põhjustavad
lehma organismis energiapuuduse, mistõttu hakkab organism selle kompenseerimiseks
lõhustama keharasvu ning valke. Negatiivse energiabilansi tõttu suureneb mitteesterifitseeritud rasvhapete ja ketokehade hulk veres, mis võib viia söömuse languseni ja
ainevahetushaiguste tekkeni. Peamisteks energiabilansi muutustega seotud haigusteks on
ketoos ja rasvunud maksa sündroom. Viimasel kümnel aastal on lubatud Euroopa riikides
kasutada ketoosi raviks monensiini. Käesoleva uurimistöö eesmärgiks oli uurida monensiini
mõju lehma piimatoodangule ning haiguste esinemisele kolme poegimisjärgse kuu jooksul.
Uuring teostati ühes vabapidamisega lüpsikarjas, kust valiti loosi tõmbamise teel välja 261
korduvpoeginud lehma. Monensiini manustati 173-le lehmale ning 88 lehma kuulusid
kontroll-rühma. Uuringus ei tuvastatud statistiliselt olulist erinevust piimatoodangus
monensiini saanud lehmade ja kontroll-rühma vahel. Statistiliselt oluline seos esines lehmade
lüpsipäevade arvus poegimisest kuni esimese kontroll-lüpsini ja lehma piimatoodangu vahel.
Enam päevi lüpsnud lehmade piimatoodang oli kõrgem (p≤ 0.001). Uuringu tulemustest
selgus, et monensiinil ei olnud mõju haigestumisele (n=0.225). Enim haigestuti kliinilisse
mastiiti (n=34). Katseperioodi jooksul praagiti karjast välja 23 looma. Lehmade praakimisel
ei esinenud samuti statistiliselt olulist erinevust monensiini saanud lehmade ja kontrollrühma vahel (p=0.21). Lõputöö tulemustest saame järeldada, et madala ketoosiriskiga
karjades monensiini manustamine ei ole näidustatud ja ravivahendit tuleb kasutada
indiviidipõhiselt ja näidustuse olemasolul.
The period three weeks before and three weeks after calving, called the transition period during which major physiological changes occur in cow’s body. The body starts to break down body fat and proteins to compensate the lack of energy in the cow’s body caused by high milk production after calving and low dry matter intake. Due to the negative energy balance, the amount of non-esterified fatty acids and ketone bodies in the blood increases, which can lead to a decrease in appetite and the development of metabolic diseases. Ketosis and fatty liver syndrome are the main diseases associated with changes in energy balance. In the last ten years, the use of monensin for the treatment of ketosis has been allowed in European countries. The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of monensin on the cow’s milk production and the occurrence of diseases during the three months after calving. The study was carried out in one free-range dairy herd, from which 261 cows with repeated calving were selected by drawing lots. Monensin was administered to 173 cows and 88 cows were in the control group. No statistically significant difference in milk production between cows treated with monensin and the control group was found in the study. There was a statistically significant relationship between the number of milking days of cows from calving to the first control milking and the cow’s milk production. The milk production of cows milked for more days was higher (p≤ 0.001). The results of the study revealed that monensin had no effect on morbidity (n=0.225). Mostly clinical mastitis was diagnosed (n=34). During the trial period, 23 animals were culled from the herd. There was also no statistically significant difference between the cows treated with monensin and the control group (p=0.21) in the culling of cows. From the results of the thesis, we can conclude that the administration of monensin in the herds with low risk of ketosis is not indicated, and the treatment must be used on an individual basis and if there is an indication.
The period three weeks before and three weeks after calving, called the transition period during which major physiological changes occur in cow’s body. The body starts to break down body fat and proteins to compensate the lack of energy in the cow’s body caused by high milk production after calving and low dry matter intake. Due to the negative energy balance, the amount of non-esterified fatty acids and ketone bodies in the blood increases, which can lead to a decrease in appetite and the development of metabolic diseases. Ketosis and fatty liver syndrome are the main diseases associated with changes in energy balance. In the last ten years, the use of monensin for the treatment of ketosis has been allowed in European countries. The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of monensin on the cow’s milk production and the occurrence of diseases during the three months after calving. The study was carried out in one free-range dairy herd, from which 261 cows with repeated calving were selected by drawing lots. Monensin was administered to 173 cows and 88 cows were in the control group. No statistically significant difference in milk production between cows treated with monensin and the control group was found in the study. There was a statistically significant relationship between the number of milking days of cows from calving to the first control milking and the cow’s milk production. The milk production of cows milked for more days was higher (p≤ 0.001). The results of the study revealed that monensin had no effect on morbidity (n=0.225). Mostly clinical mastitis was diagnosed (n=34). During the trial period, 23 animals were culled from the herd. There was also no statistically significant difference between the cows treated with monensin and the control group (p=0.21) in the culling of cows. From the results of the thesis, we can conclude that the administration of monensin in the herds with low risk of ketosis is not indicated, and the treatment must be used on an individual basis and if there is an indication.
Loomaarsti lõputöö
Veterinaarmeditsiini õppekaval
magistritööd, negatiivne energiabilanss, ketoos, rasvunud maksa sündroom, monensiin