Oocyte recovery and maturation rates in Estonian Sport Horses : [presentation]
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Estonian University of Life Sciences
Ovum pick-up (OPU) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are rapidly gaining interest in the horse industry. The ability to preserve the genetics, efficiently use scarce or expensive semen, and produce embryos out of the breeding season from competing mares has proven attractive to sport horse breeders. Recently, our research group introduced the commercial equine in vitro embryo production system in Estonia, achieving the first commercial ICSI pregnancy. The Estonian Sport Horse breed is a mix of European warmbloods whose success in show jumping and dressage disciplines has gained international interest. Breed has been shown to significantly affect
the efficiency of an OPU-ICSI program (Fonte et al. 2024 Theriogenology 223, 47–52). Thus, the aim of our study was to to evaluate the effect of the seasonality on oocyte recovery rates and the effect of different oocyte holding media on maturation rates in ESH.
oocyte recovery, Estonian Sport Horses, presentations