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Influence of fertilizing and tillage systems on humus content of typical chernozem


The study aimed to measure the effect of tillage and fertilizing systems in short crop rotation on the content, and сomposition of humuse’s substances in soil’s type as typical chernozem of the zone Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The highest humus content was determined in the variant with the application of 11.5 t ha–1 of organic fertilizers + N27P38K45 kg ha–1. The humus content in the 0–10 cm layer against the background of shallow tillage without a moldboard was 4.25%, with moaldboard-subsurface tillage – 4.23%. These tillage systems have the most favourable effect on the formation and humus matter (t ha–1). The humus storage in the variant of shallow subsurface tillage was 41.4 t ha–1, i.e. 1.3 t less than in differentiated tillage. The use of soil without fertilizing led to significant humus losses and deterioration of the compound of humus substances due to mineralization processes that prevail over immobilization processes. When applying 11.5 t of organic fertilizers and (N27P38K45) mineral fertilizers per hectare of crop rotation area, the number of humic substances increased significantly and the amount of fulvic acids in the top layer decreased. The ratio of HA (Humic acids) to FA (Fulvic acids) is 2.48. The type of humus formation is humus- fulvatic.


Saabunud / Received 19.04.2023 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 30.06.2023 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 15.08.2023 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author Andrii Butenko ;


humus, humic and fulvic acids, type of humus, fertilizing system, crop rotation, tillage, chernozem, articles

