Elamuarenduse kavandamine ja läbiviimine – projekti põhine lähenemine (AS Merko Ehitus Eesti kaasus)
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Kaljuvee, Peep
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Eesti Maaülikool
Uusarenduste kavandamine on keeruline protsess ning nõuab arendajalt palju tööd ja ettenägelikkust erinevate arenduse läbiviimisel ja ehitamisel kaasnevate kulude prognoosimisel, mis on määrava tähtsusega, saavutamaks positiivset ning majanduslikult kasumlikku lõpptulemust.
Uusarenduste planeerimise juures on teiste kulude kõrval kõige suuremaks kuluks hoone ehitamisega kaasnevad kulud. Neid kulusid prognoositakse üldjuhul eelnevate sarnaste ehitiste ehk referentsobjektide brutopinnalise ruutmeetrilise maksumuse järgi. Selline prognoosimise viis ei ole kõige täpsem ning võib tuua arendajale oodatust suuremaid kulusid, mille tõttu väheneb oodatud kasum.
Magistritöö on üles ehitatud autori isiklikele kogemustele ehitusmaksumuste planeerimise osas, kus lisaks uuritakse ka kirjandust, mis käsitleb sarnaseid probleeme.
Tulemustena võib välja tuua, et ehitamisega kaasnevaid kulusid saab küll prognoosida kasutades brutopinnalist ruutmeetrilist maksumust, kuid tulemused ei ole piisavalt täpsed. Täpsema tulemuse saamiseks peaks ehitusmaksumuse prognoosimisel arvestama, et erinevaid töölõike prognoositakse erinevate hoone tehniliste näitajate alusel. Käesoleva lõputöö tulemusena saadi, et prognoosimisel peaks kasutama kahte hoone tehnilist näitajat – hoone brutopind ja hoone ehitusalune pind.
Magistritöös käsitletud teema on ehitusvaldkonnas aktuaalne ja teemat võiks edasi uurida erinevates ehitusettevõtetes läbiviidavate küsitluste alusel.
Planning new developments is a complicated process and requires significant work and foresight from a developer to carry out different developments and predict construction costs that are key stakeholders in achieving a positive and economically viable outcome. The costs of the construction of a building are the biggest costs in addition to the other costs of new developments. These costs are generally estimated based on the gross square metre price similar to previous buildings or reference objects. Such approach of forecasting is not the most accurate and may lead the developer to bear higher costs, which means the expected profit decreases. The current master´s thesis is built on the author´s personal experiences about planning the construction costs. In addition to that, the author studies the literature dealing with similar problems. The main achieved conclusion is that the costs of the construction can be estimated based on the gross square metre price, but the results are not accurate enough. To achieve the more accurate result one should take into account that different stages of work are estimated based on the different technical characteristics of the building. The result of the current master´s thesis is that one should use two technical characteristics of the building- gross area of the building and the area under construction of the building. The topic covered in the current master´s thesis is actual for construction management and one may undertake further research into the subject by conducting a survey in different construction companies.
Planning new developments is a complicated process and requires significant work and foresight from a developer to carry out different developments and predict construction costs that are key stakeholders in achieving a positive and economically viable outcome. The costs of the construction of a building are the biggest costs in addition to the other costs of new developments. These costs are generally estimated based on the gross square metre price similar to previous buildings or reference objects. Such approach of forecasting is not the most accurate and may lead the developer to bear higher costs, which means the expected profit decreases. The current master´s thesis is built on the author´s personal experiences about planning the construction costs. In addition to that, the author studies the literature dealing with similar problems. The main achieved conclusion is that the costs of the construction can be estimated based on the gross square metre price, but the results are not accurate enough. To achieve the more accurate result one should take into account that different stages of work are estimated based on the different technical characteristics of the building. The result of the current master´s thesis is that one should use two technical characteristics of the building- gross area of the building and the area under construction of the building. The topic covered in the current master´s thesis is actual for construction management and one may undertake further research into the subject by conducting a survey in different construction companies.
Ehitusinseneriõppe lõputöö
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, rakendus, ettevalmistus, prognoosimine, brutopind, ehitusalune pind, Covid-19