Vesiniku mõju diiselmootori efektiivsuslikele parameetritele
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Tarmo, Artur
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Eesti Maaülikool
Arvestades viimaste aastate sätestatud kahjulikke heitkoguste piirmäära ning kütusehinna
tõusu on suurenenud ootused diiselmootorite alternatiivsete kütuste rakenduste osas.
Üheks võimaluseks on kasutada vesinikku, mis mõjutab oluliselt diiselmootori tööd ning
avaldab positiivset mõju mootori efektiivsuslikele parameetritele ning mootori heitmetele.
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks on uurida ning analüüsida vesiniku mõju diiselmootori
efektiivsuslikele parameetritele ning heitgaasidele. Lõputöö katsemetoodika oli üles
ehitatud selliselt, et Schenck Dynas 3 LI 250 ja Bosch BEA 350 heitgaaside analüsaator
olid ühendatud diiselmootoriga AVL 5402 CR DI. Mootor oli seadistatud selliselt, et
ühendus võimaldas täpselt mõõta ja juhtida mootori pöörlemiskiirust ja pöördemomenti.
Samuti mootori pöörlemissagedus oli seadistatud konstantsele väärtusele 2300 p/min ning
vesiniku asendussuhe diislikütusega oli 50/50. Katsete läbiviimise käigus selgus, et
vesiniku lisamine diiselmootorisse avaldab positiivset mõju selle efektiivsuslikele
parameetritele ning vähendas heitgaase. Vesiniku ballooni transportimiseks oli
projekteeritud raam ning teostatud FEM analüüs. Edasiarendamise etappides on vaja
teostada analoogsed katsed erinevatel mootori pööretel ning uurida vesiniku mõju kütuse
erinevatel asendussuhetel.
In view of the harmful emission limits set in recent years and the rise in fuel prices, expectations for alternative fuel applications for diesel engines have increased. One possibility is the use of hydrogen, which has a significant impact on the operation of the diesel engine and has a positive effect on the engine's efficiency parameters and emissions. The aim of this thesis is to investigate and analyse the effects of hydrogen on the efficiency parameters and exhaust emissions of diesel engines. The experimental methodology of the thesis was set up in such a way that the Schenck Dynas 3 LI 250 and the Bosch BEA 350 exhaust gas analyser were connected to the AVL 5402 CR DI diesel engine. The engine was set up in such a way that the connection allowed accurate measurement and control of engine speed and torque. Also, the engine speed was set to a constant value of 2300 rpm and the hydrogen to diesel fuel ratio was 50/50. The tests showed that the addition of hydrogen to the diesel engine had a positive effect on its efficiency parameters and reduced exhaust emissions. A frame for transporting the hydrogen cylinder was designed and a FEM analysis was carried out. In further development stages, it is necessary to carry out similar tests at different engine speeds and to study the effect of hydrogen at different fuel substitution ratios.
In view of the harmful emission limits set in recent years and the rise in fuel prices, expectations for alternative fuel applications for diesel engines have increased. One possibility is the use of hydrogen, which has a significant impact on the operation of the diesel engine and has a positive effect on the engine's efficiency parameters and emissions. The aim of this thesis is to investigate and analyse the effects of hydrogen on the efficiency parameters and exhaust emissions of diesel engines. The experimental methodology of the thesis was set up in such a way that the Schenck Dynas 3 LI 250 and the Bosch BEA 350 exhaust gas analyser were connected to the AVL 5402 CR DI diesel engine. The engine was set up in such a way that the connection allowed accurate measurement and control of engine speed and torque. Also, the engine speed was set to a constant value of 2300 rpm and the hydrogen to diesel fuel ratio was 50/50. The tests showed that the addition of hydrogen to the diesel engine had a positive effect on its efficiency parameters and reduced exhaust emissions. A frame for transporting the hydrogen cylinder was designed and a FEM analysis was carried out. In further development stages, it is necessary to carry out similar tests at different engine speeds and to study the effect of hydrogen at different fuel substitution ratios.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, diislikütus, vesinik, heitgaasid, AVL 5402 CR DI, FEM