Korduvliigutustega tööülesannete ergonoomikaline hindamine
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Eesti Maaülikool
Korduvliigutustega tööülesannete mõju hindamiseks töötaja tervisele on väga oluline metoodiline
lähenemine. Eestis puuduvad riiklikud suunised korduvliigutuste hindamiseks ning emakeelse
ergonoomikalise hindamise võimalused on piiratud. Uurimistöö eesmärk oli selgitada välja, millist
meetodit või meetodeid on vaja tõlkida eesti keelde, selleks et edendada korduvliigutuste
ergonoomikalist hindamist emakeeles. Töös käsitleti kümmet ergonoomikalist meetodit: ART
Tool, EAWS, HAL, KIM-MHO, OCRA (indeks, ankeedi lühi- ja täisversioon), QEC, RAMP II ja
RSI. Töös võrreldi meetodite ülesehitust ohutegurite hindamise ja hindamistulemuste esitamisviisi
osas. Meetodeid rakendati kahe näidisülesande hindamisel, mis oli aluseks meetodite kasutatavuse
ja rakendamise analüüsimisel. Tulemustest selgus, et sobiva meetodi valik sõltub eeskätt
hindamise eesmärgist ning tähelepanu tuleb pöörata ka hindaja erialasele pädevusele. Magistritöö
autor teeb ettepaneku tõlkida eesti keelde esmaseks riskihindamiseks (täiendamaks juba tõlgitud
meetodit HAL) meetodid RSI ja ART Tool. Meetod ART Tool võimaldab kaardistada esinevaid
ohutegureid ja hinnata ergonoomikaliste sekkumiste efektiivsust. RSI võimaldab kiirelt hinnata
terviseriski tööülesandel tervikuna. Detailsemaks hindamiseks soovitab magistritöö autor eesti
keelde tõlkida professionaalsele hindajale mõeldud OCRA indeksi, mille detailsus ja analüütilisus
võimaldavad teha otsuseid nii terviseriskide vähendamise kui ka tööoperatsioonide efektiivsuse
osas. Magistritöö taotluseks on pakkuda lugejale kompaktset enesetäiendamise võimalust
ergonoomikalise hindamise metoodika osas.
It is important to follow a methodological approach in the risk assessment of repetitive tasks. Currently there are no national guidelines for the assessment of repetitive tasks in Estonia, and the possibilities to conduct ergonomic risk assessment in Estonian language are limited. The aim of this master’ thesis was to select method or methods which should be translated into Estonian in order to promote ergonomic risk assessment in Estonian language. Ten ergonomic methods were analysed: ART Tool, EAWS, HAL, KIM-MHO, OCRA (index, checklist, minichecklist), QEC, RAMP II and RSI. The study compared the structure of the methods in terms of risk factor coverage and the presentation of the assessment results. The methods were used to assess two sample tasks, which formed the basis for analysing the usability and applicability of the methods. The results showed that the choice of a suitable method depends primarily on the purpose of the assessment, and attention must also be paid to the professional competence of the assessor. A suggestion was made to translate the RSI and ART Tool methods into Estonian for the first level of risk assessment (to supplement the already translated HAL method). The ART Tool method allows to map existing risk factors and evaluate the effectiveness of ergonomic interventions. RSI allows a quick assessment of the health risk of the task as a whole. For a more detailed and analytical assessment (ie for the professional assessors), it was recommended to translate the OCRA index. Master's thesis also aims to offer the reader a compact opportunity for selfimprovement in the methodology of ergonomic risk assessment.
It is important to follow a methodological approach in the risk assessment of repetitive tasks. Currently there are no national guidelines for the assessment of repetitive tasks in Estonia, and the possibilities to conduct ergonomic risk assessment in Estonian language are limited. The aim of this master’ thesis was to select method or methods which should be translated into Estonian in order to promote ergonomic risk assessment in Estonian language. Ten ergonomic methods were analysed: ART Tool, EAWS, HAL, KIM-MHO, OCRA (index, checklist, minichecklist), QEC, RAMP II and RSI. The study compared the structure of the methods in terms of risk factor coverage and the presentation of the assessment results. The methods were used to assess two sample tasks, which formed the basis for analysing the usability and applicability of the methods. The results showed that the choice of a suitable method depends primarily on the purpose of the assessment, and attention must also be paid to the professional competence of the assessor. A suggestion was made to translate the RSI and ART Tool methods into Estonian for the first level of risk assessment (to supplement the already translated HAL method). The ART Tool method allows to map existing risk factors and evaluate the effectiveness of ergonomic interventions. RSI allows a quick assessment of the health risk of the task as a whole. For a more detailed and analytical assessment (ie for the professional assessors), it was recommended to translate the OCRA index. Master's thesis also aims to offer the reader a compact opportunity for selfimprovement in the methodology of ergonomic risk assessment.
Ergonoomika õppekaval
magistritööd, ergonoomika meetodid, ülekoormushaigused, skeletilihasvaevused, riskihindamine