3 tänavat, 3 aegkonda
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Bakalaureusetöö ülesanne oli antud märksõnaga „Teisel pool”. Antud stsenaariumis oli linnavalitsusel
vaja leida alasid nii avalikuks ruumiks kui ka korterite ja ärihoonete planeerimiseks.
Ülesandeks oli teha ettepanek, kus need alad võiksid asuda ja ühendada need
seosed lineaarsete avalike aladega. Peamiseks väljakutseks oli muuta funktsionaalne karakter
ühendavaks karakteriks Tartu elanike ja külastajate jaoks. Kuna Tartu linn asub läbi
Emajõe ürgoru voolava Suur-Emajõe keskjooksul, siis on vesi mänginud suurt rolli Tartu
linna kujunemisel. Selline ajalooline taust ajendas valima kujunduselemendiks vee. Seoses
vee teemaga sai välja valitud sellised tänavad nagu Pärna, Paju ja Papli, kuna need asuvad
veekogude vahel. Detailsemalt on tegeletud Papli tänavaga, kuna selle tänava ääres on olnud
kuivenduskraavid. Lähtuvalt analüüsi tulemustest on käesoleva töö eesmärgiks parandada
valitud piirkonna vaba aja veetmise võimalusi. Kõigepealt tuleks teha korda jalakäijate
ja jalgratturite kasutuses olevad teed. Seeläbi saab luua ühendused suuremate tänavatega
ja siduda omavahel kortermajade haljasalad. Lisaks sellele võiks paigaldada rohealadele
erinevaid mängu-, rekreatsiooni ja õppevahendeid. Haljasalad ja teed seob
omavahel sademevee kogumisrennide ja -kanalite võrgustik. Märksõnade “jääaeg”, “ürgorg”,
“vesi” kaudu on jõutud evolutsiooni teemani- kuidas on toimunud organismide areng.
Ühe hüpoteesi kohaselt on elu areng saanud alguse veest- maailmamerest. Organismide
arengu näitamiseks on valitud kolme aegkonna (vana-, kesk-ja uusaegkond) ajastud. Kuna
projektala hoonestamine on toimunud läänest ida suunas, siis Pärna tänava ruum on kõige
vanem ja Papli tänava ruum kõige uuem. Seega on Pärna tänava äärde jäävate rohealade
kujundamisel kasutatud vanaaegkonna ajastutele, Paju tänaval keskaegkonna ajastutele ja
Papli tänaval uusaegkonna ajastutele iseloomulikke tunnuseid.
The task for bachelor work was given with keyword „Otherside”.In the given scenario the city council needs to find areas for public spaces as well as planning apartment and business buildings as a future selling argument for Tartu near the area.The task was to make a proposal where these areas could be and to link the connections to it by perceiving it as linear open spaces for the city. The main challenge was to turn the functional character into a joining character for the inhabitants and visitors of Tartu. When Tartu is located on the middle course of Suur-Emajõe that flows through the Emajõe old valley then the water has played an important role in shaping Tartu. This historical background prompted me to choose water for the design element. In connection with the theme of water, the author decided to choose Pärna, Paju and Papli streets, because these streets are located between the water bodies. The author has been dealing with Papli street more detailed than the other streets, because there have been drainage canals beside this street. According to the results of the analysis, the aim of this work is to ameliorate the leisure facilities of the chosen area. At first the paths for the pedestrians and cyclists should be fixed up. Thereby can create the connections with the bigger streets and connect the green areas of the apartment houses. In addition there could be set up different playing, recreation and educational equipments. Green areas and streets are connected with the collection gutters of rainwater and the grids of canals. Trough the keywords “ice age”, “old valley” and ”water”, the author reached to the theme of evolution, how is come about development of organisms. According to the one hypothesis the progress of the life have began in the water-world sea. For showing the development of organisms is chosen epochs of three three eras: Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic. The building of the project has occurred from the west to the east. So the space of the Pärna street is the oldest and the space of the Papli street is the latest. Therefore there have been used attributes in the different streets that are characteristic to the different epochs. There have been used characteristic attributes of Paleozoic epoch to design a greenfield site beside the Pärna street, characteristic attributes of Mesozoic epoch to design a greenfield site beside the Paju street and characteristic attributes of Cenozoic epoch to design a greenfield site beside the Papli street.
The task for bachelor work was given with keyword „Otherside”.In the given scenario the city council needs to find areas for public spaces as well as planning apartment and business buildings as a future selling argument for Tartu near the area.The task was to make a proposal where these areas could be and to link the connections to it by perceiving it as linear open spaces for the city. The main challenge was to turn the functional character into a joining character for the inhabitants and visitors of Tartu. When Tartu is located on the middle course of Suur-Emajõe that flows through the Emajõe old valley then the water has played an important role in shaping Tartu. This historical background prompted me to choose water for the design element. In connection with the theme of water, the author decided to choose Pärna, Paju and Papli streets, because these streets are located between the water bodies. The author has been dealing with Papli street more detailed than the other streets, because there have been drainage canals beside this street. According to the results of the analysis, the aim of this work is to ameliorate the leisure facilities of the chosen area. At first the paths for the pedestrians and cyclists should be fixed up. Thereby can create the connections with the bigger streets and connect the green areas of the apartment houses. In addition there could be set up different playing, recreation and educational equipments. Green areas and streets are connected with the collection gutters of rainwater and the grids of canals. Trough the keywords “ice age”, “old valley” and ”water”, the author reached to the theme of evolution, how is come about development of organisms. According to the one hypothesis the progress of the life have began in the water-world sea. For showing the development of organisms is chosen epochs of three three eras: Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic. The building of the project has occurred from the west to the east. So the space of the Pärna street is the oldest and the space of the Papli street is the latest. Therefore there have been used attributes in the different streets that are characteristic to the different epochs. There have been used characteristic attributes of Paleozoic epoch to design a greenfield site beside the Pärna street, characteristic attributes of Mesozoic epoch to design a greenfield site beside the Paju street and characteristic attributes of Cenozoic epoch to design a greenfield site beside the Papli street.
linnakujundus, geoloogiline ajaskaala, tänavad, avalik ruum, korterelamud, hooned, Tartu, bakalaureusetööd