Operation of the photovoltaic system in Prague and data evaluation
Kättesaadav alates
Šafránková, J.
Petrík, T.
Libra, M.
Beránek, V.
Poulek, V.
Belza, R.
Sedláček, J.
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
The on-grid photovoltaic system was installed at the Faculty of Engineering in 2015.
The monitoring system developed in our laboratory monitors data and can also detect failure and
type of failure. The evaluation of the data shows that the amount of electricity produced slightly
exceeds the expected values predicted by the internationally used internet application PVGIS.
The effect of the aging of PV panels has so far had a minimal effect on the electricity produced.
Immediate output power is affected by multiple parameters. Higher temperatures reduce the
efficiency of energy conversion, so in summer the instantaneous power may be lower even at
higher radiation intensity and smaller angle of incidence.
Received: January 6th, 2021 ; Accepted: April 7th 2021 ; Published: April 12th 2021 ; Correspondence: safrankovajana@tf.czu.cz
solar energy conversion, photovoltaic generators, Solar panels, data monitoring, articles