Piimakarjafarmide pidamistingimuste mõju vasikate jõudlusele, tervisele ja heaolule
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Eesti Maaülikool
Vasika pidamistingimustel, sh ümbritseval sisekliimal on oluline mõju tema tervisele,
jõudlusele ja heaolule. Seetõttu tuleb vasikatele tagada optimaalne keskkond, kus nad
suudaksid jääda terveks ja kasvada suureks. Kirjanduse andmetel on hingamisteede haiguse
tekkes nii vasikate kui ka täiskasvanud loomade puhul oluline roll õhu kvaliteedil. Et
ennetada veiste hingamisteede haigusi, on laudas hädavajalik korrektne
ventilatsioonisüsteem. Parimaks lahenduseks peetakse loomulikku ventilatsiooni, millele on
lisatud positiivse / (üle)rõhuga torusüsteem.
Uuringu eesmärgiks oli võrrelda kahe vasikalauda sisekliimat ja selle seost hingamisteede
haiguste levimusega. Uurimustöösse kaasati kaks Tartumaal asuvat lauta, mille
ventilatsioonisüsteemid olid erinevad. Farmis Y kasutati ainult loomulikku õhutust, farmis X
oli juurde lisatud ülerõhuga torusüsteem. Andmeid koguti järgmiste sisekliima näitajate
kohta: temperatuur, suhteline õhuniiskus, õhu liikumise kiirus, peenosakeste hulk ja
gaaside − süsihappegaasi, vingugaasi, metaani, vesiniksulfiidi ning ammoniaagi −
kontsentratsioon. Lisainformatsioonina registreeriti väliskliima vaatlusandmed ning teave
vasikate pidamise ning haigestumise kohta.
Kogutud andmete analüüsi tulemusena leiti, et mõõdetud muutujate ning vasikate
haigestumise vahel on nõrgad seosed ning neid ei saa pidada statistiliselt olulisteks. Selle
tõenäoliseks põhjuseks on vaatluskuude ja farmide vähesus. Kõige rohkem seostusid
haigestumisega sise- (r = −0,30) ja välistemperatuur (r = −0,36), õhu liikumise kiirus
(r = −0,29), peenosakeste koguhulk ja osakeste suurusega PM10 osakaal (r = 0,28)
The housing conditions of calves, including the surrounding indoor climate, have a significant effect on their health, performance, and welfare. It is therefore essential that calves are provided with the optimal environment where they could remain healthy and reach adulthood. According to the existing scholarly literature, air quality is an important factor in the development of respiratory diseases among calves and mature animals. Proper ventilation system in the farm is essential to prevent bovine respiratory diseases. Natural ventilation with positive-pressure tube system is considered the best solution. The purpose of this research was to compare the microclimates of two calf housing facilities and its effect on the spread of respiratory diseases. The research included two farms in Tartu County with different ventilation systems. Farm Y used only natural ventilation whereas farm X employed the positive-pressure tube system along with natural ventilation. The data for the following indoor climate indicators was collected: temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, concentration of particulate matter, and the concentration of gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen sulphide, and ammonia. Additionally, the observational data on outdoor climate and information on the keeping of calves and their illnesses was collected. From the analysis of the collected data, it was found that the correlations between the variables measured and the development of diseases for calves were weak and statistically insignificant. The probable reason for this is the shortness of the research period and number of farms. The most significant factors for disease development were indoor (r = −0.30) and outdoor temperature (r = −0.36), air velocity (r = −0.29), the total amount of particulate matter and proportion of particles sized PM10 (r = 0.28).
The housing conditions of calves, including the surrounding indoor climate, have a significant effect on their health, performance, and welfare. It is therefore essential that calves are provided with the optimal environment where they could remain healthy and reach adulthood. According to the existing scholarly literature, air quality is an important factor in the development of respiratory diseases among calves and mature animals. Proper ventilation system in the farm is essential to prevent bovine respiratory diseases. Natural ventilation with positive-pressure tube system is considered the best solution. The purpose of this research was to compare the microclimates of two calf housing facilities and its effect on the spread of respiratory diseases. The research included two farms in Tartu County with different ventilation systems. Farm Y used only natural ventilation whereas farm X employed the positive-pressure tube system along with natural ventilation. The data for the following indoor climate indicators was collected: temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, concentration of particulate matter, and the concentration of gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen sulphide, and ammonia. Additionally, the observational data on outdoor climate and information on the keeping of calves and their illnesses was collected. From the analysis of the collected data, it was found that the correlations between the variables measured and the development of diseases for calves were weak and statistically insignificant. The probable reason for this is the shortness of the research period and number of farms. The most significant factors for disease development were indoor (r = −0.30) and outdoor temperature (r = −0.36), air velocity (r = −0.29), the total amount of particulate matter and proportion of particles sized PM10 (r = 0.28).
Veterinaarmeditsiini õppekaval
magistritööd, vasikad, pidamistingimused, hingamisteede haigused, sisekliima