BMW M50 mootori sisselaskekollektori projekt
Kättesaadav alates
Arumäe, Rainer
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Eesti Maaülikool
Bakalaureusetöö teema on valitud tulenevalt autori huvist luua sobivam sisselaskesüsteem turbolaaduriga varustatud BMW M50 mootorile. Töö eesmärk on luua vastupidav sobiva disainiga sisselaskekollektor töös käsitletavale mootorile. Esimene peatükk tutvustab BMW M50 mootorit ning töös kasutatud modifitseeritud M50 mootorit. Teine peatükk selgitab sisselaske süsteemi olemust ning tutvustab erinevaid tehnilisi lahendusi andud valdkonnas. Kolmas peatükk annab põgusa ülevaate turul pakutavates M50 mootori sisselaskesüsteemi lahendustest. Neljas peatükk kirjeldab alumiiniumsulamist sisselaskekollektori valmistamist turbolaetud BMW M50 mootorile.
The topic of the bachelor's thesis was chosen due to the author's interest in creating a more suitable intake system for the turbocharged BMW M50 engine. The purpose of the work is to create a durable intake manifold with a suitable design for the engine discussed in the project. The first chapter introduces the BMW M50 engine and the modified M50 engine used in the project. The second chapter explains the nature of the intake system and introduces various technical solutions in the given field. The third chapter provides a brief overview of the M50 engine intake system solutions available on the market. Chapter four describes the fabrication of an aluminum alloy intake manifold for a turbocharged BMW M50 engine.
The topic of the bachelor's thesis was chosen due to the author's interest in creating a more suitable intake system for the turbocharged BMW M50 engine. The purpose of the work is to create a durable intake manifold with a suitable design for the engine discussed in the project. The first chapter introduces the BMW M50 engine and the modified M50 engine used in the project. The second chapter explains the nature of the intake system and introduces various technical solutions in the given field. The third chapter provides a brief overview of the M50 engine intake system solutions available on the market. Chapter four describes the fabrication of an aluminum alloy intake manifold for a turbocharged BMW M50 engine.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, BMW M50, sisselaskekollektor, ülelaadimine