Eesti ametiasutuste sõidukite arvestusmeetodid ja nende rakendamine
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Vool, Alvar
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Eesti Maaülikool
Meedias, auditites ja aruannetes on viidatud, et Eesti avaliku sektori asutustel tuleks
parandada sõidukite üle arvestusepidamist, ning lisaks on viidatud kulude kokkuhoiule.
Üheks võimaluseks eelnevalt viidatud tegevusi teostada on võtta kasutusele mudel või
meetod, mis halduskoormuse mitte suurendamiseks tugineks juba olemasolevatele
andmetele. Selline lähenemine peab võimaldama täpsemat riigieelarve planeerimist ja
võimaldama kulusid kokku hoida läbi põhjendatud otsuste.
Käesolev magistritöö uuris ja võrdles kolme sõidukite või masinate asendusteooria
meetodit. Nendest kõige sobivamaks leidis töö autor olevat kulude minimeerimise mudel.
Rakendades kulude minimeerimise mudelit on võimalik andmete kogumist selliselt
süstematiseerida, mis muudab autopargi haldamisel tehtavad otsused läbipaistvaks ja
arusaadavaks ning võimaldab riigieelarve kulude vähendamist läbi õigeaegselt tehtud
sõiduki asendamise või sõiduki kasutamisega seotud otsuste.
Magistritöö tulemusena saab väita, et andmete kogumine sõidukite kohta vajab osaliselt
täiendamist ja halduskoormuse vähendamise seisukohast tuleks kasutusele võtta
infotehnoloogiline lahendus.
The media, various audits and reports have indicated that institutions in the public sector in Estonia should improve their accounting as pertaining to vehicles, with additional reference made to cost savings. One way to implement above measures is to employ a model or method which would rest on already existing data so as not to add to relevant administrative load. Such an approach must provide for more precise state budget planning and enable savings on expenses through reasoned decisions. This Master’s thesis examined and compared three methods of vehicle or machine replacement theory. The author found the cost minimization model to be the best suited of the three. Employing the cost minimization model, data collection can be systemized in a way which makes decisions made in administering the vehicle fleet more transparent and more easily understood, and enables reduction of state budget costs through timely decisions concerning vehicle replacement or use. As a result of the Master’s thesis it can be maintained that data collection as pertaining to vehicles needs partial supplementation and, from the point of view of reduced administrative load, a computerized solution should be introduced.
The media, various audits and reports have indicated that institutions in the public sector in Estonia should improve their accounting as pertaining to vehicles, with additional reference made to cost savings. One way to implement above measures is to employ a model or method which would rest on already existing data so as not to add to relevant administrative load. Such an approach must provide for more precise state budget planning and enable savings on expenses through reasoned decisions. This Master’s thesis examined and compared three methods of vehicle or machine replacement theory. The author found the cost minimization model to be the best suited of the three. Employing the cost minimization model, data collection can be systemized in a way which makes decisions made in administering the vehicle fleet more transparent and more easily understood, and enables reduction of state budget costs through timely decisions concerning vehicle replacement or use. As a result of the Master’s thesis it can be maintained that data collection as pertaining to vehicles needs partial supplementation and, from the point of view of reduced administrative load, a computerized solution should be introduced.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, avalik sektor, riigieelarve, kulud, ametisõidukid