Kohaliku omavalitsuse maakorraldaja tööks vajalikud teadmised ja oskused
Kättesaadav alates
Kompus, Anna Grete
Ajakirja pealkiri
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Eesti Maaülikool
Magistritöö eesmärgiks on välja selgitada millised on Eesti kohalike omavalitsuste maakorralduse valdkonna ametnike tööülesanded ja milliseid teadmisi ja oskusi nende lahendamiseks on vaja. Maaressursside haldamine on maakorraldajate pädevuses ning iga kohaliku omavalitsuse territooriumil asuva maa eest vastutab suures ulatuses ka omavalitsuse maakorralduse valdkonna ametnik. Sellest tulenevalt on oluline, et isik, kes vastutab nii olulise teema ees, nagu maaressursside haldamine, on sellel alal piisavalt kompetentne.
Teadaolevalt ei ole koostatud teadmiste korpust, mis koondab kokku kõik teadmised ja oskused maakorraldaja ametikoha kohta. Antud teema valik on põhjendatud sellega, et kuna maakorraldaja ametikoha kohta ei ole välja töötatud teadmiste korpust, siis analüüsi tulemusena selgub, kas see on antud valdkonnas üldse vajalik.
Käesoleva töö tulemusel selgub, et teadmiste korpus maakorralduse valdkonnas on vajalik, kuna ametijuhendite põhjal on maakorraldajate tööülesanded väga erinevad ning kõik ametijuhendid ei kajasta tööülesandeid, mis on maakorraldaja olulisemad tööülesanded. Lisaks selgus, et maakorraldaja ametikoht nõuab tunduvalt laialdasemaid teadmis ja oskusi, kui lihtsalt maakorraldusvaldkond, seega ühtne teadmiste korpus sisaldaks endas kõiki vajalikke teadmisi ja oskusi.
The aim of the master's thesis is to find out what are the tasks of Estonian local government officials in the field of land management and what knowledge and skills are needed to solve them. The management of land resources is within the competence of land officers, and a local government land management official is also largely responsible for each land located in the territory of the local government. Consequently, it is important that the person responsible for an important issue, such as land management, is sufficiently competent in this area. It is known that no body of knowledge has been compiled, which brings together all the knowledge and skills for the position of land officer. The choice of this topic is justified by the fact that since no body of knowledge has been developed for the position of land officer, the analysis reveals whether it is necessary in this field at all. As a result of this work, it turns out that a body of knowledge in the field of land management is necessary, because according to job descriptions, the tasks of land officers are very different and not all job descriptions reflect tasks that are the most important tasks of land officers. In addition, it turned out that the position of land officer requires much more extensive knowledge and skills than just the field of land management, so a unified body of knowledge would include all the necessary knowledge and skills.
The aim of the master's thesis is to find out what are the tasks of Estonian local government officials in the field of land management and what knowledge and skills are needed to solve them. The management of land resources is within the competence of land officers, and a local government land management official is also largely responsible for each land located in the territory of the local government. Consequently, it is important that the person responsible for an important issue, such as land management, is sufficiently competent in this area. It is known that no body of knowledge has been compiled, which brings together all the knowledge and skills for the position of land officer. The choice of this topic is justified by the fact that since no body of knowledge has been developed for the position of land officer, the analysis reveals whether it is necessary in this field at all. As a result of this work, it turns out that a body of knowledge in the field of land management is necessary, because according to job descriptions, the tasks of land officers are very different and not all job descriptions reflect tasks that are the most important tasks of land officers. In addition, it turned out that the position of land officer requires much more extensive knowledge and skills than just the field of land management, so a unified body of knowledge would include all the necessary knowledge and skills.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, maakorraldaja, teadmiste korpus, maakorraldus, kohalikud omavalitsused