Päästetöötajate töötingimused ja kognitiivsed nõudmised tööle
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Vaarask, Raini
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Eesti Maaülikool
Antud uuringu eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada päästetöötajate töös esinevad
psühhosotsiaalsed ohutegurid, hinnata vaimse ja füüsilise tervise näitajaid, nende töö
raskusastet ja valveteenistujate energeetilist koormatust. Sihtgrupiks olid päästetöötajad,
kellel on vastav väljaõpe ja töötavad Eesti Päästeametis (n=2174). Uuringus kasutati
rahvusvaheliselt valideeritud töökeskkonna Kopenhaageni psühhosotsiaalsete ohutegurite
küsimustikku COPSOQ II (Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II).
Ankeetküsimustikus oli 83 küsimust, mille põhjal koostati faktortunnused (n=24).
Katsegrupis osalesid päästetöötajad, kes töötavad 24-tunnise valvevahetuses Lõuna regioonis, Tartu ja Võru komandos (n=34). Katsegrupil mõõdeti koormusnäitajaid
aktiivsusmonitoriga (Mi Band 3) töövahetuse jooksul nelja järjestikuse tööpäeva vältel ja
analüüsiti füsioloogilisi parameetreid: pulss, sammud ja uneaeg. Lisaks hinnati neil
erinevate kehapiirkondade lihaspinge- ja valutugevust ning energeetilist koormatust.
Ankeetküsitlusele vastas 218 päästetöötajat, vastamismäär 10%. Vastajatest 78,4% olid
mehed ja 21,6% naised. Uuritava grupi keskmine vanus oli 43,4±10,0 a. ja keskmine
tööstaaž oli 14±2,84 a. Ligi pooled vastajatest hindasid oma üldise terviseseisundi heaks
ja veerand väga heaks 23,9. Kehamassiindeksi alusel oli ¾ meestest rasvumise alagrupis
ja ülekaalus 28,9%. Naistest olid alla poolte normkaalus ja samavõrd ka ülekaalus.
Kõrgeima KMI skooriga töötajad hindavad oluliselt madalamaks enda töötempo, neid
tunnustatakse vähem ning nad tajuvad vähem õiglust, respekti ja usaldust juhtkonna
suhtes, võrreldes madalama KMI skooriga töötajate grupiga. Meestöötajad hindavad
oluliselt kõrgemaks kui naiskolleegid oma emotsionaalseid nõudeid tööl (p=0,006) ning
töö- ja kodukonflikti (p=0,048). Suur osa töötajatest (59,3%) nendib, et harva jääb
piisavalt aega oma tööülesannete täitmiseks ja 40% juhtudest esineb tööl kiirustamist.
Veerand vastajate hinnangul on töö alati ja 40% arvates mõnikord emotsionaalselt raske.
Tööl saab oskusi sageli täiendada ligi poolte hinnangul. Sageli ja alati on võimalus õppida
läbi töö (45% vs 28%). Uuritavad, kes töötasid 24-tunnistes vahetustes, hindavad oluliselt
madalamaks tunnustust, juhtkonna usaldust, õiglust ning austust ja märgivad oluliselt
tõsisemaks rollikonflikti (p=0,0001).
Katsealuste grupis olid kõik mehed (n=34), keskmises vanuses 39,2±9,9 aastat, keskmise
KMI skooriga 31,7±3,9 kg/m-2
. Grupist 2/3 olid rasvunud ja >1/3 ülekaalus. Ligi pooled
hindasid üldise terviseseisundi väga heaks ja neljandik heaks. Uuritavate keskmine
pulsisagedus oli 72 l/min ja keskmiselt läbiti 7721 sammu vahetuses. Kastegrupil esines
sagedamini valusid ala- ja ülaseljas. Mõõdukat ja tugevat valu alaseljas märkis ligi
veerand ja vähest 44% vastajaist. Vähest valu jalgades esines 41%, mõlemas trapetslihases
38%, ülaseljas 32% ja kaelapiirkonnas 29%. Kõrgema KMI töötajad raporteerisid küll
paremat tervist (p=0,0001), kuid neil esines enam pingeid õlgade piirkonnas (p=0,028).
Vanematel töötajatel oli oluliselt enam sümptomeid trapetslihase (p<0,020) ja õlgade
piirkonnas (p=0,042). Päästjatest 2/3 sai uneaaega 5,5–8,5 tundi, 1/3 magas alla 5 tunni
või ei maganud üldse kogu vahetuse vältel. Valveteenistujate töö raskusaste ja
energeetiline koormatus jäi vahemikku kerge kuni väga raske. Suurim energeetiline
koormatus mõõdeti valvevahetuses keskmise summaarse energiakuluga päästjal, kelle
suurima energiakulu 714W puhul oli südamelöökide arv 158 l/min. Korrelatsioonanalüüs
näitas enim seoseid andis emotsionaalse töökoormuse ja pühendumuse faktor. Kõige
tugevamad seosed (ρ<0,77, p=0,0001) olid vertikaalse usalduse, juhtkonna toetuse ning
õigluse ja austuse vahel.
Järeldused: Päästetöötajate töös on psühhosotsiaalsed tegurid peamiselt positiivse
kognitiivse mõjuga: töö on mõttekas, kollektiivis ja juhtkonnas on usaldus ja head suhted,
töösse on võimalik pühenduda, on arenguvõimalused ja rolliselgus. Hinnatakse kõrgelt
juhtimiskvaliteeti ja töö kollektiivsust. Päästeteenistujatest 80% tunnetavad, et nende töö
on tähtis ja enamus hindas oma tervise heaks ja väga heaks. Võrreldes Eesti keskmise
elanikkonnaga, on päästetöötajail parem tervis, aga rohkem unehäireid. Enam tähelepanu
tuleks pöörata töötajate tervislikule eluviisile, toitumise ja aktiivsema liikumise osas.
The aim of this study was to find out the psychosocial risk factors in the work of rescue workers, to assess the level of work stress and mental and physical health indicators, as well as the severity of their work and the energy load of security guards. The target group was rescue workers who have the appropriate training and work at the Estonian Rescue Board (n=2174). The study used the internationally validated COPSOQ II (Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire) on the psychosocial risk factors in the work environment. There were 83 questions in the questionnaire, on the basis of which factor characteristics were compiled (n=24). The test team included rescue workers working in a 24-hour shift in the Southern region in the Tartu and Võru teams (n=34), where load parameters were measured during the work shift with an activity monitor (Mi Band 3) for four consecutive days and parameters were analyzed: pulse, steps and sleep time. In addition, muscle tension and pain intensity and energy load in different body regions of the experimental group were assessed. 218 rescue workers out of 2178 respondents who received the questionnaire responded to the questionnaire, the response rate was 10%. Most of the respondents (78.4%, (n=171) were the men. The mean age of the study group was 43.4 ± 10.0 years. The average length of service was 14 ± 2.84 years. The majority of respondents rated their general health as good by 49% and very good by 23.9%. Male employees rate their emotional demands at work (p=0.006) and work and home conflict (p=0.048) significantly higher than female employees. A large proportion of employees (59.3%) said that they rarely have enough time to complete their tasks and there is a rush at work (40% of respondents). According to the respondents, work is emotionally difficult (sometimes 40.1% and always 25.3%). At work, self-skills can be improved often (47%) and one-fifth always. They have the opportunity to learn through work (45% often and 28% always). Respondents who worked in 24-hour shifts rated recognition, management trust, fairness, and respect significantly lower (p = 0.0001) and marked a more serious role conflict. Based on the body mass index, the study group was divided into five subcategories, where the majority of respondents predominate (28.9%) and BMI in the I-III level group (60.6% in total). below and half the normal weight and equally predominant. Employees with the highest BMI score significantly lower their pace of work, are less recognized, and have less perception of fairness, respect, and trust in management compared to the group of employees with the lowest BMI score. Results in the experimental group (n=34). 50.0% rated the general health as very good, 32.4% as good, 14.7% as average and 3% as bad. All men were studied, with a mean age of 39.2 ± 9.9 years (youngest 23 years; oldest 59 years) and a mean BMI of 31.7 ± 3.9 kg / m-2. Only 3% of subjects were normal weight, 36.4% were overweight and 60.6% were obese. The mean heart rate of the subjects was 72 b/min and the average number of steps performed per shift was 7721. Lower and upper back pain was more common in the cast group. Mild pain in the lower back was observed in 44.1%, in the legs 41.2%, in both trapezius muscles 38.2%, in the upper back 32.4% and in the neck area 29.4%. Almost a quarter and a tenth of the respondents reported moderate and severe lower back pain. Employees with a higher BMI score reported better health (p=0.0001), but they had more symptoms in the shoulder area (p=0.028). Older workers had significantly more symptoms in the trapezoid muscle (p<0.02) and shoulders (p=0.042). About 2/3 of the rescuers got a sleep time of 5.5 -8.5 hours, 1/3 slept less than 5 hours or did not sleep at all during the shift. The severity and energy workload of the security guards ranged from light to very hard. The maximum energy load was measured during the rescuer tasks, where average total energy consumption was 714 W and pulse 158 beats per minute, respectively, for the average and maximum heart rate. The correlation analysis showed that the strongest relationships (ρ<0,77, p=0,0001) are between social support from supervisors, justice and respect. Conclusions: The psychosocial factors of rescue workers at work are rather positive, good working relationships create trust and respect, and there is good commitment and development opportunities at work. Good management quality and vertical trust, supports teamwork. Recognition of rescue workers at work reduces stress and reduces the risk of burnout. Most rescue workers rate their health as very good and good. Psychosocial factors of resque workers have mostly positiive influence. Meaning of work, trust among the colleagues and management, good relations between the employees, commitment to the workplace and skill discretion are the factors with higher scores . Also, the higher scores are given on management quality and collective work. About 80% of resque workers feels that their work is important and they assess their heath as good and very good. When to compare the results of study with the average population scores the most often problem among the resque workers are sleeping troubles. More attention should be paid to the healthy lifestyle of employees, nutrition and more active exercise, as the BMI results are high among the subjects.
The aim of this study was to find out the psychosocial risk factors in the work of rescue workers, to assess the level of work stress and mental and physical health indicators, as well as the severity of their work and the energy load of security guards. The target group was rescue workers who have the appropriate training and work at the Estonian Rescue Board (n=2174). The study used the internationally validated COPSOQ II (Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire) on the psychosocial risk factors in the work environment. There were 83 questions in the questionnaire, on the basis of which factor characteristics were compiled (n=24). The test team included rescue workers working in a 24-hour shift in the Southern region in the Tartu and Võru teams (n=34), where load parameters were measured during the work shift with an activity monitor (Mi Band 3) for four consecutive days and parameters were analyzed: pulse, steps and sleep time. In addition, muscle tension and pain intensity and energy load in different body regions of the experimental group were assessed. 218 rescue workers out of 2178 respondents who received the questionnaire responded to the questionnaire, the response rate was 10%. Most of the respondents (78.4%, (n=171) were the men. The mean age of the study group was 43.4 ± 10.0 years. The average length of service was 14 ± 2.84 years. The majority of respondents rated their general health as good by 49% and very good by 23.9%. Male employees rate their emotional demands at work (p=0.006) and work and home conflict (p=0.048) significantly higher than female employees. A large proportion of employees (59.3%) said that they rarely have enough time to complete their tasks and there is a rush at work (40% of respondents). According to the respondents, work is emotionally difficult (sometimes 40.1% and always 25.3%). At work, self-skills can be improved often (47%) and one-fifth always. They have the opportunity to learn through work (45% often and 28% always). Respondents who worked in 24-hour shifts rated recognition, management trust, fairness, and respect significantly lower (p = 0.0001) and marked a more serious role conflict. Based on the body mass index, the study group was divided into five subcategories, where the majority of respondents predominate (28.9%) and BMI in the I-III level group (60.6% in total). below and half the normal weight and equally predominant. Employees with the highest BMI score significantly lower their pace of work, are less recognized, and have less perception of fairness, respect, and trust in management compared to the group of employees with the lowest BMI score. Results in the experimental group (n=34). 50.0% rated the general health as very good, 32.4% as good, 14.7% as average and 3% as bad. All men were studied, with a mean age of 39.2 ± 9.9 years (youngest 23 years; oldest 59 years) and a mean BMI of 31.7 ± 3.9 kg / m-2. Only 3% of subjects were normal weight, 36.4% were overweight and 60.6% were obese. The mean heart rate of the subjects was 72 b/min and the average number of steps performed per shift was 7721. Lower and upper back pain was more common in the cast group. Mild pain in the lower back was observed in 44.1%, in the legs 41.2%, in both trapezius muscles 38.2%, in the upper back 32.4% and in the neck area 29.4%. Almost a quarter and a tenth of the respondents reported moderate and severe lower back pain. Employees with a higher BMI score reported better health (p=0.0001), but they had more symptoms in the shoulder area (p=0.028). Older workers had significantly more symptoms in the trapezoid muscle (p<0.02) and shoulders (p=0.042). About 2/3 of the rescuers got a sleep time of 5.5 -8.5 hours, 1/3 slept less than 5 hours or did not sleep at all during the shift. The severity and energy workload of the security guards ranged from light to very hard. The maximum energy load was measured during the rescuer tasks, where average total energy consumption was 714 W and pulse 158 beats per minute, respectively, for the average and maximum heart rate. The correlation analysis showed that the strongest relationships (ρ<0,77, p=0,0001) are between social support from supervisors, justice and respect. Conclusions: The psychosocial factors of rescue workers at work are rather positive, good working relationships create trust and respect, and there is good commitment and development opportunities at work. Good management quality and vertical trust, supports teamwork. Recognition of rescue workers at work reduces stress and reduces the risk of burnout. Most rescue workers rate their health as very good and good. Psychosocial factors of resque workers have mostly positiive influence. Meaning of work, trust among the colleagues and management, good relations between the employees, commitment to the workplace and skill discretion are the factors with higher scores . Also, the higher scores are given on management quality and collective work. About 80% of resque workers feels that their work is important and they assess their heath as good and very good. When to compare the results of study with the average population scores the most often problem among the resque workers are sleeping troubles. More attention should be paid to the healthy lifestyle of employees, nutrition and more active exercise, as the BMI results are high among the subjects.
Ergonoomika õppekaval
magistritööd, psühhosotsiaalsed tegurid, kehamassiindeks, skeletilihasvalu, pulss, uneaeg, töö raskusaste, energeetiline koormatus, tervis