Sorbitol and lithovit-guano25 mitigates the adverse effects of salinity on eggplant grown in pot experiment
Kättesaadav alates
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
This trial aimed to study the separate effects of nano-fertilizers and sugar alcohols in
mitigating salt-stress on eggplant (Solanum melongena L) crop. For this purpose, two different
concentrations of lithovit®-guano25 (A1:0.5 g L
and A2:1 g L
) and sorbitol (B1:5 g L
B2:10 g L
) were sprayed on eggplant irrigated by three NaCl solutions (EC1:1.5 dS m-1
EC2:3 dS m-1
and EC3 6 dS m-1
). Control plants were salt-stressed without any product. Results
revealed an inhibitory effect of increasing in salt-stress on vegetative traits (plant height, leaf
number, weights of plant parts and root mass fraction), reproductive traits (fruit number, fruit
weight, yield plant-1
, fruit diameter) and photosynthetic pigments. Control plants at EC6 had the
highest cell electrolyte leakage (51.26%). Plant height and fruit number were maximized by A1
at all salinity levels. Additionally, A2 increased fruit weight by 89.98g, 85g and 92.3g compared
to control respectively at 1.5, 3 and 6 dS m-1
. Yield plant-1
increased by this treatment at all EC
levels. At 3 and 6 dS m-1
, A2-treated plants had the highest chlorophyll a (respectively 1.67 and
1.4mg g-1
fresh weight), total chlorophyll (respectively 2.38 and 1.9mg g-1
fresh weight) and
carotenoids (respectively 193 and 172µg g-1
fresh weight) contents. A2-treated plants had the
lowest cell electrolyte leakage at 1.5 dS m-1 (14.27%), 3 dS m-1
(25.31%) and 6 dS m-1 (37.78%).
Treating plants with B1 and B2 maximized respectively fruit diameter at 1.5 dS m -1
and water
content in all plant parts at 3 dS m-1
. Both products helped plants reducing the adverse effects
caused by salinity.
growth, nano-fertilizers, physiology, salinity, sugar alcohols, S. melongena, articles