Ääsmäe küla veevarustus-ja kanalisatsioonisüsteemide rekonstrueerimine
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Vastavalt Euroopa Liidu direktiividele ja Eesti seadusandlusele tuleb veevarustuse ja kanalisatsioonisüsteemid projekteerida nii, et tarbijatele oleks tagatud puhas joogivesi ja kvaliteetne ühiskanalisatsiooni teenus ning piirkonnas peab toimima nõuetekohane reoveepuhastus.
Veetorustike projekteerimisel kasutatakse tänapäeval veevõrgu arvutamise mudeleid. Nende rakendamine aitab lahendada keerukaid veevarustussüsteemi probleeme ning analüüsida erinevaid olukordi süsteemis. Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks on analüüsida arvutusmudeliga Ääsmäe küla veevõrgu erinevaid olukordi, et leida torustiku parim lahendus. Arvutused tehti modelleerimistarkvaraga EPANET 2.0. Mudelisse sisestatati tarbijate tipptunniveevajadus, kasutatati ajas muutumatut olukorda. Analüüsitai tavaolukorda, tulekahju- ja avariiolukorda. Analüüsi tulemustest selgus, et Ääsmäe küla veevarustus tuleks lahendada tupikharudega ringvõrguna, milles ringvõrgu torude läbimõõt on De110, ja hargvõrkude torude läbimõõt on vahemikus De40…De63. Tuletõrjeveevarustus on mõistlik lahendada ühisveevärgi kaudu kolme hüdrandiga.
Magistritöö teises pooles on koostatud Ääsmäe küla reoveepuhasti projektlahendus. Puhasti projekteerimisel on aluseks võetud arvutuslik reostuskoormus 700 ie, puhasti maksimaalne reostuskoormus on 850 ie. Projekteeriti kestusõhustusega, eeldenitrifikatsiooniga, aktiivmudapuhasti sellise arvestusega, et puhastist väljuva heitvee reostusnäitajad vastaksid lubatud piirväärustele.
According to the EU directives and Estonian laws water supply and sewerage systems have to be designed so that consumers are provided with clean water and high quality public sewage service, residential areas have to have properly functioning wastewater treatment and treated water drainage systems. Water network models are used in designing water pipelines nowadays. Application of the models helps to find solutions to complex water supply network problems and analyse various situations in a system. The purpose of the current MA thesis is to analyse various solutions for water network model of Ääsmäe village. The model is made employing modelling software EPANET 2.0. Peak water usage of customers is input into the model and time invariable situation is used. Water usage in everyday, fire and emergency situations is analysed. The results of the analysis reveal that the most optimal solution for water supply of Äämäe village is looped network with pipeline diameter of De110 and branched network with pipeline diameter of De40-De63. Advisable solution for fire fighting water supply system is to use three water hydrants using public water supply. The second half of the MA thesis presents a design approach for wastewater treatment system of Ääsmäe village. The values of pollution load of 700 pe and maximal pollution load of 850 pe were used in designing the wastewater treatment facility.
According to the EU directives and Estonian laws water supply and sewerage systems have to be designed so that consumers are provided with clean water and high quality public sewage service, residential areas have to have properly functioning wastewater treatment and treated water drainage systems. Water network models are used in designing water pipelines nowadays. Application of the models helps to find solutions to complex water supply network problems and analyse various situations in a system. The purpose of the current MA thesis is to analyse various solutions for water network model of Ääsmäe village. The model is made employing modelling software EPANET 2.0. Peak water usage of customers is input into the model and time invariable situation is used. Water usage in everyday, fire and emergency situations is analysed. The results of the analysis reveal that the most optimal solution for water supply of Äämäe village is looped network with pipeline diameter of De110 and branched network with pipeline diameter of De40-De63. Advisable solution for fire fighting water supply system is to use three water hydrants using public water supply. The second half of the MA thesis presents a design approach for wastewater treatment system of Ääsmäe village. The values of pollution load of 700 pe and maximal pollution load of 850 pe were used in designing the wastewater treatment facility.