Salaami valmistamisel kasutatavad suhkru liigid ja nende optimaalsed kogused
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Rebane, Lisann
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Eesti Maaülikool
Salaami on fermenteeritud vorst. Tavaliselt kasutatakse valmistamiseks sealiha.
Päritolumaaks võib pidada Vahemeremaid, mille kaudu hakkas salaami toomine levima
edasi mööda Euroopat ning Ameerika Ühendriikidesse. Tänapäeval tuntakse hulganisti
erinevaid salaamivorste, näiteks Kabanoss, Chorizo, Itaalia salaami. Suhkrud on
salaamides toiduks starterkultuuridele. Antud töö eesmärk on välja selgitada, kuidas
mõjutavad erinevad suhkrud salaamisid ja nende omadusi. Uuringu tegemiseks valmistati
üheksa salaami proovi ning neid analüüsiti kuu aja jooksul. Analüüside hulka kuulusid
kaalumine, pH ja aw mõõtmine. Kõikide proovide pH jäi alla 5,2 ning aw jäi alla 0,92. Kõige
madalamad pH tulemused saavutasid proovid nr 3 (4,5 g dekstroosi), 6 (4,5 g dekstroosi +
1,5 g sahharoosi) ja 9 (4,5 g dekstroosi + 1,5 g maltodekstriini). Keskmiselt kaotab salaami
umbes 30-40% oma algkaalust. Kõige suurem kaalukadu oli proovil nr 4 (1,5 g dekstroosi
+ 1,5 g sahharoosi), mis kaotas ligikaudu 37% oma algkaalust. aw väärtus langes igal
katsepäeval. Kõik katseseeria vorstid saavutasid salaamidele vajaliku pH ja aw languse ning
kaalukao. Erinevate suhkrute mõjude täpsemaks hindamiseks võiks läbi viia veel sensoorse
hindamise ja katsetada erinevaid starterkultuure.
Salami is a fermented sausage. Pork is used for its preparation. The country of origin can be considered the Mediterranean, through which the introduction of salami began to spread throughout the Europe and the United States. Today, many different salami sausages are known, such as Kabanos, Chorizo, Italian salami.Sugars are used in food for startercultures. The aim of this research was to find out, how different sugars affect salamis and their properties. Nine salami samples were prepared for analysis and analyzed over a period of one month. Analyzes included weighing, pH and aw measurements. The pH of all samples were less than 5,2 and the aw was less than 0,92. Samples No. 3 (4,5 g dextrose), 6 (4,5 g dextrose + 1,5 g sucrose) and 9 (4,5 g dextrose + 1,5 g maltodextrin) had the lowest pH results. On average, salami loses about 30-40% of its initial weight. The largest weight loss was for sample no. 4, which lost approximately 37% of its original weight. The aw value dropped every day of the test. All sausages in the test series achieved the required decrease in pH and aw for the salami and weight loss. Sensory evaluation could be carried out to assess the effects of different sugars more accurately and the use different starter cultures.
Salami is a fermented sausage. Pork is used for its preparation. The country of origin can be considered the Mediterranean, through which the introduction of salami began to spread throughout the Europe and the United States. Today, many different salami sausages are known, such as Kabanos, Chorizo, Italian salami.Sugars are used in food for startercultures. The aim of this research was to find out, how different sugars affect salamis and their properties. Nine salami samples were prepared for analysis and analyzed over a period of one month. Analyzes included weighing, pH and aw measurements. The pH of all samples were less than 5,2 and the aw was less than 0,92. Samples No. 3 (4,5 g dextrose), 6 (4,5 g dextrose + 1,5 g sucrose) and 9 (4,5 g dextrose + 1,5 g maltodextrin) had the lowest pH results. On average, salami loses about 30-40% of its initial weight. The largest weight loss was for sample no. 4, which lost approximately 37% of its original weight. The aw value dropped every day of the test. All sausages in the test series achieved the required decrease in pH and aw for the salami and weight loss. Sensory evaluation could be carried out to assess the effects of different sugars more accurately and the use different starter cultures.
Toiduainete tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, vee aktiivsus, fermenteerimine, piimhappebakterid, starterkultuur, pH, salaami