Piima progesteroonisisalduse dünaamika superovuleeritud embrüodoonorlehmadel
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Antud töös uuriti hormooni progesteroon dünaamikat 21 superovuleeritud
embrüodoonorlehmadel ja tehti kindlaks progesteroonisisalduse kriteeriumid
superovulatoorse reaktsiooni prognoosimiseks.
Superovulatsiooni miseks töödeldi embrüodoonoreid prostaglandiin F2 (the hormone
prostaglandin F2α , PGF2)(Dinolytic®, Pharmacia N.V/S.A., Puurs, Belgia) ning folliikuleid
stimuleeriva hormooni (follicle stimulating hormone, FSH)(Folltropiin®, Bioniche Teo
Inverin, Co. Galway, Dublin, Iirimaa) preparaatidega. Vastavalt katseskeemile koguti
lüpsijärgselt katseloomadelt piimaproovid progesterooni kontsentratsiooni määramiseks,
monoklonaalsel antikehal põhineva ensüümimmunoloogilise analüüsi abil. Embrüote
loputuspäeval tehti kindlaks superovulatoorne reaktsioon. Superovulatsiooni suurus määrati
embrüote loputuspäeval rektaalsel palpatsioonil, munasarjades formeerunud kollakehade arvu
järgi. Määratud progesterooni kontsentratsioone võrreldi ovulatoorse reaktsiooni suurusega
(munasarjades formeerunud kollakehade arvuga).
Uuringu tulemusena tehti kindlaks, et hormonaalse töötlemise järel esines
embrüodoonorite vahel märkimisväärne erinevus superovulatoorse reaktsiooni suuruses.
Kokku uuringus kasutatud 21 lehmast 10 lehmal oli superovulatoorne reaktsioon madal,
keskmiselt 3,3 ± 2,3 kollakeha ja 11 lehmal kõrge, keskmiselt 10,1 ± 2,7 kollakeha ühe
doonori kohta. Andmete statistilisest analüüsist suhteliste töökarakteristikute kõvera analüüsi
abil selgus, et superovulatoorse reaktsiooni prognoosimiseks optimaalsed
progesteroonisisalduse kriteeriumid 28. päeval (PGF2α manustamine kollakeha taandarengu
indutseerimiseks) on 12,86 ng/ml (64% tundlikkusega, 90% spetsiifilisusega) ja 37. ehk
embrüote loputamispäeval 23,5 ng/ml (91% tundlikkusega, 80% spetsiifilisusega). Nende
andmete abil on võimalik prognoosida superovulatoorse reaktsiooni tekkimist piimalehmadel.
In the present study milk progesterone dynamics in 21 superovulated embryodonors was studied and optimal cutpoints for the progesterone concentrations for prediction of superovulatory responce were found. To induce superovulation, embryodonors were treated by using prostaglandin F2 (Dinolytic®, Pharmacia N.V/S.A., Puurs, Belgia) and follicle stimulating hormon (FSH, Folltropiin®, Bioniche Teo Inverin, Co. Galway, Dublin, Ireland) preparations. According to experimental schedule milk was sampled for measurements of progesterone. Progesterone was measured using an enzyme immunoassay modified by using the second antibody technique. On the day of the flushing of embryos superovulatory reaction was evaluated by transrectal palpation or ultrasonographical examination of the ovaries, based on the number of formed corpora lutea. Progesterone concentrations were related to the syperovulatory reactions. Based on the superovulatory response two groups were formed with high and low number of corpora lutea. The results of the study indicated differences between the two groups. From the 21 donors used, in 10 cows superovulatory reaction was low, (mean 3.3 ± 2.3 corpora lutea), and in 11 cows superovulatory reaction was high (10.1 ± 2.7 corpora lutea per donor). Optimal progesterone concentrations in milk for prediction of the superovulatory reaction were found by ROC curve analyses. Optimal progesterone concentrations were 12,86 ng/ml (sensitivity 64%, specificity 90% ) on the day 28 (PGF2α tratment for induction of regression of corpora lutea), and 23,5 ng/ml (sensitivity 91%, specificity 80%) on the day 37 (flushing of embryos), respectively. These results suggest that milk progesterone analyses can be used for prediction of superovulatory response in dairy cows.
In the present study milk progesterone dynamics in 21 superovulated embryodonors was studied and optimal cutpoints for the progesterone concentrations for prediction of superovulatory responce were found. To induce superovulation, embryodonors were treated by using prostaglandin F2 (Dinolytic®, Pharmacia N.V/S.A., Puurs, Belgia) and follicle stimulating hormon (FSH, Folltropiin®, Bioniche Teo Inverin, Co. Galway, Dublin, Ireland) preparations. According to experimental schedule milk was sampled for measurements of progesterone. Progesterone was measured using an enzyme immunoassay modified by using the second antibody technique. On the day of the flushing of embryos superovulatory reaction was evaluated by transrectal palpation or ultrasonographical examination of the ovaries, based on the number of formed corpora lutea. Progesterone concentrations were related to the syperovulatory reactions. Based on the superovulatory response two groups were formed with high and low number of corpora lutea. The results of the study indicated differences between the two groups. From the 21 donors used, in 10 cows superovulatory reaction was low, (mean 3.3 ± 2.3 corpora lutea), and in 11 cows superovulatory reaction was high (10.1 ± 2.7 corpora lutea per donor). Optimal progesterone concentrations in milk for prediction of the superovulatory reaction were found by ROC curve analyses. Optimal progesterone concentrations were 12,86 ng/ml (sensitivity 64%, specificity 90% ) on the day 28 (PGF2α tratment for induction of regression of corpora lutea), and 23,5 ng/ml (sensitivity 91%, specificity 80%) on the day 37 (flushing of embryos), respectively. These results suggest that milk progesterone analyses can be used for prediction of superovulatory response in dairy cows.
piim, progesteroon, lehmad, ovulatsioon, prognostika, munasarjad, kollaskeha, magistritööd