Tehnovõrgud topo-geodeetilistel uuringutel
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Eesti Maaülikool
Magistritöö eesmärk on anda põhjalik ülevaade tehnovõrkude kajastamisest geodeetilistel
uuringutel ning välja selgitada väljakutsed ja võimalused selles valdkonnas. Töös kasutati
ankeetküsitlusi, mis saadeti kohalikele omavalitsustele, geodeesia-, ehitus-,
projekteerimis- ja trassihaldusfirmadele. Tehti ka üksikud pikemad intervjuud. Lisaks
analüüsiti seadusandlust ja varasemaid sarnasel teemal koostatud töid.
Varasemate tööde uurimisest selgus, et probleemid tehnovõrkude andmetega on püsinud
suhteliselt muutumatuna aastakümneid. Ankeetvastustest tuli välja, et osapoolte vaheline
koostöö pole sujuv ja seadusandluse ebamäärasus tekitab erinevaid arusaamu geodeetiliste
uuringute vastutusalade kohta. Vastajad näevad enamasti vastutust trassiinfo täpsuse ja
asjakohasuse eest võrguvaldajal, samas seadus paneb vastutuse geodeedile.
Andmepäringute ja kooskõlastamise reguleerimatus toob kaasa aja ja ressursside
raiskamise ning kõiki osapooli rahuldava tulemuse puudumise.
Alusplaanide peamised probleemid on kaevu-uuringute kehv kvaliteet ja seletuskirja
pealiskaudsus, trasside vigased andmed ja üldistamine. Töös pakutakse erinevaid lahendusi töökorralduse parandamiseks lühiajalises
perspektiivis ning pikas perspektiivis soovitatakse luua riiklik andmebaas koos 3D
andmetega teostusjooniste kogumiseks ja töötlemiseks. Vajalik on Maa-ameti kitsenduste
kaardi ajakohastamine ja seaduste muutmine. Lisaks selgemale seadusandlusele
parandaksid osapoolte suhtumist ja koostööd erinevad koolitused.
The aim of the master's thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of the representation of utility networks in geodetic surveys and to identify the challenges and opportunities in this field. The study used questionnaire surveys that were sent to local municipalities, geodesy, construction, architecture and engineering, and utility network management companies. Individual interviews were also conducted. In addition, legislation and previous works on similar topics were analysed. The examination of previous works revealed that the problems with utility network data have remained relatively unchanged for decades. The questionnaire responses indicated that the cooperation between stakeholders is not smooth, and the ambiguity of legislation creates different understandings of the responsibilities in geodetic surveys. Respondents mostly see the responsibility for the accuracy and relevance of the utility network information lying with the network operator, while the law places the responsibility on the geodesist. The lack of regulation in data inquiries and coordination leads to waste of time and resources, and the absence of satisfactory results for all parties involved. The main issues with base plans are poor quality of well surveys and the superficiality of measurement reports, incorrect data and generalization. The thesis offers various solutions to improve work organization in the short term, and in the long term, it is recommended to create a national database with 3D data for collecting and processing as-built drawings. Updating the constraints map of the Land Board and amending the legislation are necessary. In addition, various training programs would improve the attitudes and cooperation of stakeholders.
The aim of the master's thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of the representation of utility networks in geodetic surveys and to identify the challenges and opportunities in this field. The study used questionnaire surveys that were sent to local municipalities, geodesy, construction, architecture and engineering, and utility network management companies. Individual interviews were also conducted. In addition, legislation and previous works on similar topics were analysed. The examination of previous works revealed that the problems with utility network data have remained relatively unchanged for decades. The questionnaire responses indicated that the cooperation between stakeholders is not smooth, and the ambiguity of legislation creates different understandings of the responsibilities in geodetic surveys. Respondents mostly see the responsibility for the accuracy and relevance of the utility network information lying with the network operator, while the law places the responsibility on the geodesist. The lack of regulation in data inquiries and coordination leads to waste of time and resources, and the absence of satisfactory results for all parties involved. The main issues with base plans are poor quality of well surveys and the superficiality of measurement reports, incorrect data and generalization. The thesis offers various solutions to improve work organization in the short term, and in the long term, it is recommended to create a national database with 3D data for collecting and processing as-built drawings. Updating the constraints map of the Land Board and amending the legislation are necessary. In addition, various training programs would improve the attitudes and cooperation of stakeholders.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, tehnovõrgutrassid, teostusjoonis, geoalused