Kodukontorite hindamine distantsilt
Kättesaadav alates
Kõiv, Marge
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Eesti Maaülikool
Töötervishoiu-ja tööohutuse seaduse ning selle rakendusaktide kohaselt on tööandja
kohustatud tagama töötajale ohutu ja tervisliku töökoha. Covid-19 kriisi ajal saadeti suur
osa kuvariga töötajaid kaugtööle, kuid kaugtööga seotud riskid jäid tahaplaanile. Riske on
mingil määral hinnatud, kuid mitte piisavalt. Osalt on vastuolulised ka seadusandluse
rakendusaktid, kodukontori kontekstis on vaja selgemaid juhiseid. Magistritöö eesmark
oli koostada tõhus protseduur, mis võimaldab kodukontorite ergonoomikalist hindamist
distantsilt. Magistritöös käsitleti kuvariga töötamiskohale esitatavaid nõudeid, nõuete
eiramise tagajärjel tekkivaid tervisemõjusid ning meetodeid kuvariga töötamiskoha
hindamiseks. Analüüsiti teadusartikleid, töödeldi mitmeid tööandjate seas tehtud küsitlusi
seoses kaugtööga nii Eestis kui Lätis ja intervjueeriti töökeskkonna eksperte, mis kinnitas
eestikeelse juhendmaterjali vajadust. Magistritöö käigus koostati töötaja kaugtööle
suundumise protsessi skeem, töötamiskoha kaardistamise ankeet ja hindamiseks vajalike
fotode tegemise juhis ning tõlgiti eesti keelde kuvariga töötamiskoha hindamise meetodi
ROSA tööleht. Jõuti järeldusele, et kodukontori riskide hindamise võtmeküsimus on
koostöö töötaja ja tööandja vahel. Magistritöö käigus koostatud juhendmaterjal on
mõeldud koostööd toetama.
According to Estonian Occupational Health and Safety Act and its implementing regulations, the employer is obliged to ensure a safe and healthy workplace for the employee. During the Covid-19 induced crisis, a large proportion of workers using visual display terminals daily agreed to telework. The risks associated with working from home, however, were often not assessed and remained unaddressed. In some cases risks were assessed to some extent, but not enough and not thoroughly. Research articles were analysed, several surveys conducted among employers in connection with telework in both Estonia and Latvia, and work environment experts were interviewed. The responses confirmed the need for instructional material in Estonian. Integral parts of this thesis - a diagram of the employee's teleworking process, a workplace mapping questionnaire, and instructions for taking photos necessary for evaluation - were compiled. The ROSA (rapid office strain assessment) method’s worksheet was translated into Estonian. Final conclusion was made that the key issue in home office risk assessment is the collaboration between the employee and the employer. Instructional material to support such cooperation between employers and employees was compiled as part of this thesis.
According to Estonian Occupational Health and Safety Act and its implementing regulations, the employer is obliged to ensure a safe and healthy workplace for the employee. During the Covid-19 induced crisis, a large proportion of workers using visual display terminals daily agreed to telework. The risks associated with working from home, however, were often not assessed and remained unaddressed. In some cases risks were assessed to some extent, but not enough and not thoroughly. Research articles were analysed, several surveys conducted among employers in connection with telework in both Estonia and Latvia, and work environment experts were interviewed. The responses confirmed the need for instructional material in Estonian. Integral parts of this thesis - a diagram of the employee's teleworking process, a workplace mapping questionnaire, and instructions for taking photos necessary for evaluation - were compiled. The ROSA (rapid office strain assessment) method’s worksheet was translated into Estonian. Final conclusion was made that the key issue in home office risk assessment is the collaboration between the employee and the employer. Instructional material to support such cooperation between employers and employees was compiled as part of this thesis.
Ergonoomika õppekaval
magistritööd, kuvariga töötamiskoht, kaugtöö, hindamismeetodid, ROSA