Prevention the impact of chemicals on the health of workers in fibreglass industry
Kättesaadav alates
Urbane, V.
Vilcane, I.
Tint, Piia
Ievins, J.
Jemeljanovs, V.
Birgere, L.
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Most of the chemicals make our everyday life easier and safer. However, there are a
lot of new emerging risks connected with chemicals causing damage to people’s health and
environment. The results of the investigation: the chemical exposure index (EI) is between 0.16
to 25.98 (the last determined by the mould spray-up, outside of the protective masks). The air
pollution index determined was between 16 to 760%. The ventilation rates for the remove of the
volatiles from the workplace air are settled, the possibilities for substitution of hazardous
chemicals to less hazardous are presented. When the concentration of a volatile is measured under
the protective mask, which has a new filter, the tested substance concentration is lower that under
the mask with an old filter, although the differences between these two were rather small. When
the volatiles were measured under the protective mask, the concentrations of tested substances
met the requirements.
chemicals’ hazardousness, health risks, solvents, substitution, articles