Talinisu saagi-ja kvaliteedinäitajad sõltuvalt viljelusviisist
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Eesti Maaülikool
Antud uurimustöö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada, viljelusviisi ja orgaaniliste ning mineraalsete
lämmastikväetiste mõju talinisu kvaliteedile ja saagikusele. Püstitatud hüpoteesid:
1.Mahesüsteemis kasvanud talinisu terade proteiinisisaldused on kõrgemad kui tavasüsteemis.
2. Mahesüsteemis kasvanud nisu peenjahu saak on suurem.
3. Ilmastik mõjutab talinisu kvaliteeti rohkem kui viljelusviis.
Andmeteks on võetud 2008. a Eerikale rajatud Eesti Maaülikooli põldkatse, aastatel 2013–2016
tulemuste põhjal.
Mahetootmine peab lähtuma sellest, et hoitaks mullas bioloogilist mitmekesisust, mullaelustikku ja
säiliks mullaviljakus. Mahetoodangule on olemas Eestis võimalik eksport- ja siseturg. Piiravateks
asjaoludeks on mahetoodangu väiksem saagikus ja väga palju kõikuv kvaliteet.
Mullast toitainete kättesaamine taime jaoks toimub ühtemoodi nii mahe- kui tavatootmises.
Oluline on see, palju taimetoiteelemente on mulla varudesse antud ja palju neist on taimedele
kättesaadavad ehk liikuvad.
Uurimustöö tulemuste põhjal ei leidnud kinnitust hüpotees, et mahesüsteemis kasvanud talinisu
terade proteiinisisaldused on kõrgemad kui tavasüsteemis.
Kinnitust leidsid aga hüpoteesid, et mahesüsteemis kasvanud talinisu peenjahu saagis on suurem ja
viljelusviis mõjutab talinisu kvaliteeti vähem kui ilmastik.
The aim of this study was to find out cultivation practices and the effect of organic and mineral nitrogen fertilizers on the quality and yield of winter wheat. The hypotheses were: 1. Protein contents in winter wheat grains grown in the organic system are higher than the grains grown in the conventional systems. 2. Organic system has a bigger flour yield than the conventional system. 3. The weather affects the quality of winter wheat more than cultivation practices. The research is based on the field tests in Erika from 2013 to 2016. Organic production should be based on the principle that soil diversity, soil life and soil fertility are maintained. Organic produce is needed in the internal market, also export is important. Limiting factors for the organic produce are lower yields and frequently uneven quality. The availability of soil nutrients for the plant will take place in the same way for both: organic and conventional production. It is important that a lot of plant nutrients in the soil reserve are accessible or mobile for plants. The research findings did not confirm the hypothesis that the organic system of growing winter wheat provides a higher content of grain protein than in conventional systems. However, the hypothesis that winter wheat grown in the organic system has the higher flour yield, was confirmed. The research findings confirmed also the third hypothesis that the weather affects the quality of winter wheat more than cultivation practices.
The aim of this study was to find out cultivation practices and the effect of organic and mineral nitrogen fertilizers on the quality and yield of winter wheat. The hypotheses were: 1. Protein contents in winter wheat grains grown in the organic system are higher than the grains grown in the conventional systems. 2. Organic system has a bigger flour yield than the conventional system. 3. The weather affects the quality of winter wheat more than cultivation practices. The research is based on the field tests in Erika from 2013 to 2016. Organic production should be based on the principle that soil diversity, soil life and soil fertility are maintained. Organic produce is needed in the internal market, also export is important. Limiting factors for the organic produce are lower yields and frequently uneven quality. The availability of soil nutrients for the plant will take place in the same way for both: organic and conventional production. It is important that a lot of plant nutrients in the soil reserve are accessible or mobile for plants. The research findings did not confirm the hypothesis that the organic system of growing winter wheat provides a higher content of grain protein than in conventional systems. However, the hypothesis that winter wheat grown in the organic system has the higher flour yield, was confirmed. The research findings confirmed also the third hypothesis that the weather affects the quality of winter wheat more than cultivation practices.
Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekaval
magistritööd, maheviljelus, tavaviljelus, talinisu, proteiinisisaldus, peenjahu, ilmastik