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The productivity of spring barley when using cobalt nanoparticles and liquid-phase biological product




Kättesaadav alates

Ajakirja pealkiri

Ajakirja ISSN

Köite pealkiri



The purpose of this research is to study the effect of growth activators on the yield and quality of spring barley products. For the most complete disclosure of the potential yield of spring barley against the background of the application of minimal doses of organic fertilizers, cobalt nanoparticles were used, as well as a liquid-phase biological product (LPBP) in various combinations (NPСо, Compost, Compost + NPСо, Compost+ LPBP 1%, Compost+ LPBP 2%, Compost+ LPBP 1%+ NPСо, Compost+ LPBP 2%+ NPСо). The size of cobalt nanoparticles was 40–60 nm, the phase composition - Cо - 100%. A suspension of nanoparticles was obtained by dispersing with ultrasound in an aqueous solution in accordance with the requirements of the technical conditions. LPBP is a dark brown liquid with a specific odor, pH = 6.5–7.5, contains N, C, P, K, Ca, Mg, tryptophan, microorganisms. Cobalt nanopowder in solution contained 0.01 g per hectare seeding rate (20 mg L -1 ), LPBP concentration was 1% and 2%. Compost was used as an organic fertilizer; it consisted of 90% of cattle manure and 10% of poultry manure at a dose of 20 t ha-1 . The seeds were soaked 30 minutes before sowing in double distilled water, in a suspension of nanoparticles and LPBP in accordance with the experimental options. The analysis of the results of the research has shown that the studied preparations have a stimulating effect, contribute to an increase in resistance to suboptimal weather conditions, an increase in productivity and product quality. It was noted that the best indicators were obtained with joint pre-sowing treatment of seed material by cobalt nanoparticles with 1% solution of a liquid-phase biological product. Thus, there was an activation of growth processes, the yield increased by 35%, the content of crude protein - by 20.9%, digestible protein - by 10.9%, and crude fat - by 78.8%.


Received: February 6th, 2021 ; Accepted: April 14th, 2021 ; Published: August 3rd, 2021 ; Correspondence:


cobalt nanoparticles, liquid-phase biological product, barley, yield, nutritional value, articles

