Satelliitmissiooni Sentinel-3 altimeetria Tase-2 andmete valideerimine Eesti rannikuvetes
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks oli valideerida Sentinel-3 satelliitide Tase-2 altimeetria
andmeid veetaseme määramiseks Eesti rannikuvetes. Valideerimisel võrreldi satelliit
altimeetri mõõdetud veepinna kõrgust geoidi EST-GEOID2017 kõrgusega, millele lisati
satelliidi trajektoori ülelennu ajale lähima veemõõdujaama vastava tunni keskmine
veetaseme kõrgus. Töö käigus valiti valideeritavad ülelennud, koguti altimeetria andmed,
kasutati geoidi EST-GEOID2017 ja veemõõdujaamade andmeid, filtreeriti altimeetria
andmed ning viidi läbi valideerimine.
Altimeetria andmete valideerimine hõlmas endas Soome lahel kuue Sentinel-3A ja kolme
Sentinel-3B, Liivi lahel ühe Sentinel-3A ja kahe Sentinel-3B ja Väinamerel kahe
Sentinel-3A satelliidi trajektoori ülelende. Sentinel-3A satelliidi trajektooride ülelennud
toimusid ajavahemikul jaanuar 2017 kuni detsember 2019 ning kahe Sentinel-3A satelliidi
trajektoori ülelennud juulini 2019. Sentinel-3B satelliitide trajektooride ülelennud
toimusid ajavahemikul jaanuar 2019 kuni juuli 2019.
Valideerimise tulemusena saadi Soome lahel Sentinel-3A satelliidi trajektooride
ülelendude keskmiseks jääkhälbeks 20 ± 100 mm ja Sentinel-3B satelliidil -10 ± 90 mm.
Liivi lahel saadi Sentinel-3A satelliidi trajektooride keskmiseks jääkhälbeks -40 ± 80 mm
ja Sentinel-3B satelliidil 40 ± 80 mm. Väinamerel saadi Sentinel-3A satelliidi
trajektooride ülelendude keskmiseks jääkhälbeks 180 ± 210 mm.
Rannikuvetes satelliitaltimeetria täpsus merepinna kõrguse määramiseks on töö tulemuste
põhjal üsna hea. Leiti, et erinevused meretaseme kõrguse määramisel geoidi mudeli ESTGEOID2017 ja Sentinel-3 satelliitide altimeetria vahel pole oluliselt suured. Keerulisem
on altimeetriga meretaseme kõrguse määramine piirkondades, kus on palju saari või laide.
The aim of this Master's thesis was to validate the Level-2 altimetry data of Sentinel-3 satellites to determine the water level in Estonian coastal waters. During validation, the measured water level height of satellite altimeter was compared with the height of the geoid EST-GEOID2017, to which was added the average hourly water level height of nearest water measuring station to the overflight time of satellite trajectory. During the work, overflights to be validate were selected, altimetry data were collected, data from geoid EST-GEOID2017 and water measuring stations were used, altimetry data were filtered and validation was performed. The validation of the altimetry data included the overflights of six Sentinel-3A and three Sentinel-3B satellites in the Gulf of Finland, one Sentinel-3A and two Sentinel-3B satellites in the Gulf of Riga and two Sentinel-3A satellites in the Väinameri. The overflights of Sentinel-3A satellite trajectories took place between January 2017 and December 2019 and the overflights of two Sentinel-3A satellite trajectories took place until July 2019. The overflights of Sentinel-3B satellite trajectories took place between January 2019 and July 2019. As a result of the validation, the average residual deviation of the overflights of Sentinel3A satellite trajectories in the Gulf of Finland was 20 ± 100 mm and Sentinel-3B satellite was -10 ± 90 mm. In the Gulf of Riga, the average residual deviation of the overflights of Sentinel-3A satellite trajectories was -40 ± 80 mm and Sentinel-3B satellite 40 ± 80 mm. In the Väinameri, the average residual deviation of the overflights of Sentinel-3A satellite trajectory was 180 ± 210 mm. The accuracy of satellite altimetry to determine sea level in coastal waters is quite good based on the results of the work. It was found that differences in sea level height between the geoid model EST-GEOID2017 and the altimeter of Sentinel-3 satellites are not significant. Determining height with an altimeter is more difficult in areas with many islands or islets.
Uurimistööd toetati ETAG PUT1553: "Läänemere viimase 70 aasta geotsentrilise meretaseme- ja maatõusu määramine kasutades satelliitaltimeetriat (1.01.2017−31.12.2020)" vahenditest.
The aim of this Master's thesis was to validate the Level-2 altimetry data of Sentinel-3 satellites to determine the water level in Estonian coastal waters. During validation, the measured water level height of satellite altimeter was compared with the height of the geoid EST-GEOID2017, to which was added the average hourly water level height of nearest water measuring station to the overflight time of satellite trajectory. During the work, overflights to be validate were selected, altimetry data were collected, data from geoid EST-GEOID2017 and water measuring stations were used, altimetry data were filtered and validation was performed. The validation of the altimetry data included the overflights of six Sentinel-3A and three Sentinel-3B satellites in the Gulf of Finland, one Sentinel-3A and two Sentinel-3B satellites in the Gulf of Riga and two Sentinel-3A satellites in the Väinameri. The overflights of Sentinel-3A satellite trajectories took place between January 2017 and December 2019 and the overflights of two Sentinel-3A satellite trajectories took place until July 2019. The overflights of Sentinel-3B satellite trajectories took place between January 2019 and July 2019. As a result of the validation, the average residual deviation of the overflights of Sentinel3A satellite trajectories in the Gulf of Finland was 20 ± 100 mm and Sentinel-3B satellite was -10 ± 90 mm. In the Gulf of Riga, the average residual deviation of the overflights of Sentinel-3A satellite trajectories was -40 ± 80 mm and Sentinel-3B satellite 40 ± 80 mm. In the Väinameri, the average residual deviation of the overflights of Sentinel-3A satellite trajectory was 180 ± 210 mm. The accuracy of satellite altimetry to determine sea level in coastal waters is quite good based on the results of the work. It was found that differences in sea level height between the geoid model EST-GEOID2017 and the altimeter of Sentinel-3 satellites are not significant. Determining height with an altimeter is more difficult in areas with many islands or islets.
Uurimistööd toetati ETAG PUT1553: "Läänemere viimase 70 aasta geotsentrilise meretaseme- ja maatõusu määramine kasutades satelliitaltimeetriat (1.01.2017−31.12.2020)" vahenditest.
Geodeesia ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, satelliitaltimeetria, kaugseire, valideerimine, geoid, veemõõdujaamad